Spotlight on Global Jihad (August 13-19, 2020)

Tank of the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham shelling positions of the forces supporting the Syrian army south of Idlib (Ibaa, August 13, 2020)

Tank of the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham shelling positions of the forces supporting the Syrian army south of Idlib (Ibaa, August 13, 2020)

Tank of the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham shelling positions of the forces supporting the Syrian army south of Idlib (Ibaa, August 13, 2020)

Tank of the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham shelling positions of the forces supporting the Syrian army south of Idlib (Ibaa, August 13, 2020)

Firing an anti-tank missile at a Syrian army tank.

Firing an anti-tank missile at a Syrian army tank.

The missile hitting the Syrian tank and destroying it (Telegram, August 15, 2020)

The missile hitting the Syrian tank and destroying it (Telegram, August 15, 2020)

Detonation of the motorcycle (Telegram, August 13, 2020)

Detonation of the motorcycle (Telegram, August 13, 2020)

Detonation of the motorcycle (Telegram, August 13, 2020)

Detonation of the motorcycle (Telegram, August 13, 2020)

Main events of the week
  • This week as well, high-intensity incidents continued in the Idlib region between the Syrian army and the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham and the other rebel organizations. One noteworthy attack this week was the activation of an IED against one of the Turkish vehicles in the joint Russian-Turkish patrols. A network calling itself the Chechen Khattab Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • After the end of the wave of attacks (the “Raids of Attrition”), ISIS resumed its “routine” attacks. Last week, noteworthy military activity was carried out in the following provinces:
    • In Syria, an IED was activated near Deir ez-Zor against a Russian army convoy returning from a “humanitarian mission.” As a result, a senior Russian officer with the rank of major general was killed and two Russian military personnel were wounded. This was apparently a joint force of the Russians and the Homeland Defense Forces supporting the Syrian army, which was searching for missing Syrian fighters. In addition to the Russian casualties, six Homeland Defense Force fighters were also killed, including the commander of the Al-Mayadeen region in the Euphrates Valley. No organization has claimed responsibility for the attack, but it was apparently carried out by ISIS operatives, who are carrying out intensive activity in the region.
    • ISIS’s Sinai Province continued fighting against the Egyptian army in the area of Rabi’a, west of Bir al-Abd (northern Sinai). The Egyptian army has not yet managed to mop up the area nearly a month after a showcase attack carried out by ISIS operatives. In addition, an offensive by the Egyptian army and tribal groups against ISIS operatives in the Al-Maghara area in central Sinai also failed.
    • The Khorasan Province carried out intensive activity in Afghanistan. The main target of the attacks was Bagram Airbase north of Kabul, where US army troops are stationed.
    • There has been a significant increase in the activity of ISIS’s Yemen Province against the Houthi rebels, which was concentrated in the Al-Bayda Province (100 km southeast of Sana’a). Most of ISIS’s attacks took the form of activating IEDs and exchanging fire with the Houthi rebels. This week, ISIS claimed that its operatives had halted an attack by the Houthi rebels and killed 25 of their men.
ISIS’s activity in the various provinces around the world
  • On August 13, 2020, ISIS’s Al-Naba’ weekly published an infographic entitled “The Harvest of the Fighters,” summarizing ISIS’s activity on August 6-12, 2020. According to the infographic, during this period ISIS carried out 49 attacks around the world, compared to 65 in the previous week, i.e., a decrease of about 25% in the scope of the attacks. A total of 27 attacks were carried out in Iraq, nine of them in the Diyala Province. Attacks were also carried out in ISIS’s other provinces in Africa and Asia: West Africa (8); Syria (5); Yemen (4); the Sinai Peninsula (2); Central Africa (1); Khorasan, i.e., Afghanistan (1) and Pakistan (1) (Al-Naba’ weekly; Telegram, August 13, 2020).
  • Over 163 people were killed and wounded in these attacks, compared to over 258 people in the previous week. The largest number of casualties (50) was in Central Africa (Mozambique). The other casualties were in the following provinces: Iraq (41); West Africa (31); the Sinai Peninsula (15); Syria (10); Yemen (9); Khorasan, i.e., Afghanistan (5) and Pakistan (2) (Al-Naba’ weekly; Telegram, August 13, 2020).
The Syrian arena
The Idlib region

In the Idlib region, artillery exchanges between the Syrian army and the rebels continued this week almost on a daily basis. This week as well, most of the incidents took place in Jabal al-Zawiya, south of Idlib. In addition, Russian aircraft attacked targets apparently belonging to the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham in the Idlib region.

Attack against the Russian-Turkish joint patrol on the M-4 highway
  • On the morning of August 17, 2020, Turkey and Russia carried out a joint patrol on the M-4 highway (Aleppo-Latakia). While the patrol was near Ariha (about 10 km south of Idlib), an IED was activated against one of the Turkish vehicles (according to another version, an RPG rocket was fired at it). The vehicle was hit (Khotwa; Enab Baladi, August 17, 2020). The Turkish Defense Ministry issued a statement that one of the vehicles of the Turkish army had been attacked by “terrorist operatives” during the 25th joint patrol with the Russians. According to the statement, the vehicle sustained slight damage (Anatolia News Agency, August 17, 2020).
  • A network calling itself the Chechen Khattab Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack and promised to continue operating against the Russian-Turkish patrols (Enab Baladi, August 17, 2020). This network also claimed responsibility for attacking the joint patrol on July 14, 2020, in which a Russian vehicle was hit[1].

The city of Ariha. The IED was activated against the joint Turkish-Russian patrol near the city (Google Maps)
The city of Ariha. The IED was activated against the joint Turkish-Russian patrol near the city (Google Maps)

ISIS activity in the Syria Province[2]
The area of Deir ez-Zor, Al-Mayadeen, and Albukamal
Attack against a Russian army convoy killing a senior Russian officer
  • The Russian Defense Ministry announced that on August 18, 2020, an IED was activated against a Russian army convoy about 15 km from the city of Deir ez-Zor. The convoy was on its way back to its base after carrying out a “humanitarian mission” (TASS, August 18, 2020). No organization has claimed responsibility for the attack. In the ITIC’s assessment, it was carried out by ISIS, which operates extensively in this region. The Russian Defense Ministry reported that a senior Russian officer, Major General Vyacheslav Gladkih, had been killed in the attack and two Russian military personnel had been wounded[3] (TASS, August 18, 2020).
Senior Russian officers killed in Syria
Senior Russian officer killed by mortar fire near Deir ez-Zor (World War News, September 24, 2017)      Senior Russian officer Vyacheslav Gladkih killed in an explosion of an IED near Deir ez-Zor (Deir ez-Zor 24, August 18, 2020).
Right: Senior Russian officer Vyacheslav Gladkih killed in an explosion of an IED near Deir ez-Zor (Deir ez-Zor 24, August 18, 2020). Left: Senior Russian officer killed by mortar fire near Deir ez-Zor (World War News, September 24, 2017)
  • According to a local Syrian source, a day before the incident (August 17, 2020), six fighters of the Homeland Defense Forces supporting the Syrian army were declared missing. Consequently, a joint force of the Russian army and the Homeland Defense Forces was dispatched to locate the missing personnel. The force started to comb the area and then an IED was activated against it. In addition to the Russian casualties, six fighters of the Homeland Defense Forces were also killed, including Mohammad Taysir al-Zaher, commander of the Al-Mayadeen region. In addition, several fighters of the Homeland Defense Forces were wounded (Deir ez-Zor 24, August 18, 2020).

Mohammad Taysir al-Zaher, commander of the Al-Mayadeen region in the Homeland Defense Forces who was killed (Facebook page of the Homeland Defense Forces, August 18, 2020)
Mohammad Taysir al-Zaher, commander of the Al-Mayadeen region in the Homeland Defense Forces who was killed (Facebook page of the Homeland Defense Forces, August 18, 2020)

  • On August 17, 2020 (or a few days earlier), ISIS operatives attacked a Syrian army compound in the Al-Mayadeen Desert. At least five Syrian soldiers were killed (ISIS released a photo showing their bodies).
  • On August 16, 2020, an IED was activated against an SDF truck about 10 km north of Albukamal. The passengers were killed or wounded.
  • On August 16, 2020, two IEDs were activated against SDF vehicles in the Al-Mayadeen area. Five fighters were killed and two others were wounded.
  • On August 15, 2020 (or a few days earlier), an ISIS anti-tank missile was fired at a Syrian army tank in a desert area near Al-Mayadeen, destroying the tank.
  • On August 13, 2020, ISIS activated two IEDs against the main building of a local council belonging to the SDF about 15 km northwest of Deir ez-Zor. The head of the local council was killed.
  • On August 13, 2020, an SDF vehicle was targeted by machine gun fire about 45 km south of Al-Mayadeen. The passengers were killed or wounded.
The area of Al-Sukhnah and Palmyra (the Syrian Desert)
  • On August 16, 2020 (or a few days earlier ), ISIS operatives captured a Syrian soldier and an Alawite civilian near Al-Sukhnah. The two men were executed.

The Alawite civilian digging his own grave before being executed (Telegram, August 16, 2020)
The Alawite civilian digging his own grave before being executed
(Telegram, August 16, 2020)

Al-Raqqah region
  • On August 15, 2020 (or a few days earlier), ISIS operatives captured a Syrian civilian member of the Ismaili sect about 40 km southwest of Al-Raqqah. He was executed (Telegram, August 15, 2020).

The Ismaili civilian captured and executed by ISIS (Telegram, August 15, 2020)
The Ismaili civilian captured and executed by ISIS
(Telegram, August 15, 2020)

Aleppo region
  • On August 15, 2020, an IED was activated against a commander in one of the Turkish-backed rebel organizations in Al-Bab, about 30 km northeast of Aleppo. He was killed (Telegram, August 15, 2020).
 The Iraqi arena

Map of the provinces in Iraq (Wikipedia)
Map of the provinces in Iraq (Wikipedia)

ISIS’s attacks[4]
Al-Anbar Province
  • On August 14, 2020, three mortar shells were fired at an Iraqi army compound in Al-Rutba. According to ISIS, accurate hits were observed.
  • On August 13, 2020 (or a few days earlier), a motorcycle bomb was detonated against Syrian soldiers in a desert area about 20 km west of Hit. At least three soldiers were killed.
Salah al-Din Province
  • On August 13, 2020, an Iraqi policeman was targeted by machine gun fire in central Al-Tarmiyah, about 30 km north of Baghdad. He was killed.
Diyala Province
  • On August 13, 2020, a Tribal Mobilization fighter was targeted by machine gun fire about 80 km northeast of Baqubah. He was killed.
  • On August 12, 2020, Tribal Mobilization fighters were targeted by sniper fire about 35 km northeast of Baqubah. One fighter was killed and two others were wounded.
  • On August 11, 2020, a Tribal Mobilization vehicle was targeted by machine gun fire about 20 km northeast of Baqubah. Nine fighters were wounded.
Nineveh Province
  • On August 15, 2020, a Tribal Mobilization fighter was targeted by machine gun fire about 25 km southeast of Mosul. He was killed.
Kirkuk Province
  • On August 15, 2020, an IED was activated against a Tribal Mobilization fighter about 25 km southwest of Kirkuk. He was killed.
Counterterrorist activities by the Iraqi security forces
Al-Anbar Province
  • On August 17, 2020, Iraqi security forces apprehended three wanted “terrorist operatives” (implicitly ISIS operatives) in the area of Al-Qaim (near Iraqi-Syrian border) (Facebook page of the Iraqi Defense Ministry, August 17, 2020).
  • On August 16, 2020, Iraqi security forces apprehended a wanted ISIS operative near Fallujah (, August 16, 2020).
Nineveh Province
  • On August 15, 2020, Iraqi security forces apprehended an ISIS commander codenamed Abu Khattab and two of his aides in the city of Mosul. The commander previously served in an ISIS suicide bomber unit and was later appointed as a member of ISIS’s Sharia Council. In their initial interrogation, the three men admitted that they had taken part in carrying out attacks against the Iraqi security forces and against civilians (Al-Sumaria, August 15, 2020).
Kirkuk Province
  • On August 16, 2020, Iraqi security forces apprehended six wanted ISIS operatives about 55 km west of Kirkuk. In addition, two ISIS weapons depots were found (Al-Sumaria, August 16, 2020).
Salah al-Din Province
  • On August 17, 2020, Iraqi security forces apprehended three wanted ISIS operatives about 10 km west of Tikrit. In their initial interrogation, the three men admitted that they had taken part in carrying out attacks against the Iraqi security forces and against civilians (Al-Sumaria, August 17, 2020).
  • On August 16, 2020, Iraqi security forces apprehended a “terrorist operative” who had participated in the ISIS massacre at Camp Speicher in 2014 (Al-Sumaria, August 16, 2020)[5].
The Sinai Peninsula
The Rabi’a region

During the past week, fighting continued in the villages in the Rabi’a region, west of Bir al-Abd, which were taken over by ISIS on July 21, 2020. The information available indicates that operatives of ISIS’s Sinai Province are still holding at least some of the villages, and that the Egyptian army is having difficulty mopping up the area.

Fighting between the Egyptian army and ISIS operatives
  • An Egyptian army force comprising dozens of armored vehicles and Special Forces reportedly tried to take control of the Rabi’a region. After a confrontation with ISIS operatives, the Egyptian soldiers withdrew. The attacking force sustained casualties (Al-Araby Al-Jadeed; Shahed Sinaa Facebook page, August 18, 2020).
Egyptian army armored vehicles as observed by ISIS south of the village of Rabi’a (Telegram, August 17, 2020).    Egyptian soldier in a position south of the village of Rabi’a. ISIS snipers fired at him.
Right: Egyptian soldier in a position south of the village of Rabi’a. ISIS snipers fired at him. Left: Egyptian army armored vehicles as observed by ISIS south of the village of Rabi’a (Telegram, August 17, 2020).
Egyptian army armored vehicle retreating after an exchange of fire with ISIS operatives south of the village of Rabi’a (Telegram, August 17, 2020).   Egyptian army bulldozer as observed by ISIS south of the village of Rabi’a.
Right: Egyptian army bulldozer as observed by ISIS south of the village of Rabi’a. Left: Egyptian army armored vehicle retreating after an exchange of fire with ISIS operatives south of the village of Rabi’a (Telegram, August 17, 2020).
  • In the area of Al-Maghara in central Sinai, the Egyptian army and tribal groups that support it carried out a joint attack against ISIS operatives. ISIS operatives launched a counterattack, causing casualties on both sides. The attack ended after a few hours, apparently without either side having the upper hand (Al-Araby Al-Jadeed; Shahed Sinaa Facebook page, August 18, 2020).
ISIS activity in the Rabi’a region
  • On August 13, 2020, ISIS’s Sinai Province executed four civilians taken prisoner in the attack on the military base in Rabi’a. The civilians were accused of collaborating with the Egyptian army (Shahed Sinaa Facebook page).
  • On August 11, 2020, an IED was activated against an Egyptian army vehicle near the village of Rabi’a. The passengers were killed or wounded (Telegram, August 12, 2020).
  • On August 10, 2020, an IED was activated against an Egyptian army vehicle south of the village of Rabi’a. The passengers were killed (ISIS’s Al-Naba’ weekly; Telegram, August 13, 2020).
ISIS activity in the Rafah and Sheikh Zuweid areas
  • On August 16, 2020, an IED exploded near laborers working in Sheikh Zuweid. A civilian from Al-Arish was killed (Shahed Sinaa Facebook page, August 16, 2020).
  • On August 14, 2020, an Egyptian soldier was targeted by sniper fire at a checkpoint at the Port of Rafah. He was wounded (Telegram, August 15, 2020).
  • On August 12, 2020, ISIS operatives fired various weapons at the Egyptian Border Police’s Al-Siyah checkpoint near the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip. A force that arrived at the scene to provide assistance was also attacked. In view of the intensive exchange of fire between the sides, Egyptian army warplanes and drones were dispatched to provide air support to the force under attack. Ambulances were seen evacuating the dead and wounded from the scene (ISIS’s Al-Naba’ weekly, Telegram, August 13, 2020).

Naqib (Captain) Mohammad Farid, an officer in the Egyptian army’s Special Forces, who was killed in an [ISIS] attack in the western part of Rafah (Shahed Sinaa – Al-Rasmia Facebook page, August 15, 2020)
Naqib (Captain) Mohammad Farid, an officer in the Egyptian army’s Special Forces, who was killed in an [ISIS] attack in the western part of Rafah (Shahed Sinaa – Al-Rasmia Facebook page, August 15, 2020)

ISIS’s activity around the globe
  • On August 16, 2020, ISIS operatives ambushed and fired machine guns at Nigerian soldiers about three km south of the border between Nigeria and Niger. A total of 10 soldiers were killed and several others were wounded. In addition, weapons and ammunition were seized.
  • On August 15, 2020, ISIS operatives attacked a Nigerian army compound about 80 km northeast of Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State. Three soldiers were killed and others were wounded. In addition, weapons and ammunition were seized.
  • On August 14, 2020, ISIS operatives activated an IED against a Nigerian army vehicle in Borno State. All the passengers were killed.
  • On August 14, 2020, ISIS operatives attacked a headquarters of a militia supporting the Nigerian army about 45 km west of Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State. Several fighters were killed and others were wounded.
  • On August 13, 2020, ISIS operatives activated an IED against a Nigerian army foot patrol in the city of Baga, about 25 km southwest of the border between Nigeria and Chad.
  • On August 13, 2020, ISIS operatives ambushed a Nigerian army vehicle in Borno State and took over the vehicle.
  • On August 13, 2020, ISIS operatives ambushed Nigerian police in Borno State. Several policemen and soldiers were killed or wounded. In addition, weapons and ammunition were seized.
  • On August 11, 2020, ISIS operatives activated two IEDs against a Nigerian army foot patrol in the city of Baga, about 25 km southwest of the border between Nigeria and Chad. Several soldiers were killed or wounded.
  • On August 16, 2020, ISIS operatives fired a rocket at Bagram Airbase, where US army troops are stationed. The military airbase is located about 40 km north of Kabul.
  • On August 16, 2020, an IED was activated against a vehicle of the Afghan security forces in Bagram. Three passengers were killed and another was wounded.
  • On August 16, 2020, ISIS operatives fired a rocket at Bagram Airbase.
  • On August 14, 2020, ISIS operatives activated an IED against an Afghan police checkpoint in the city of Jalalabad. Two policemen were wounded.
  • On August 11, 2020, an IED was activated against a gathering of “polytheists” [this is a reference to Shiites or members of the Hazara or Hindu minorities] in central Herat. Five people were killed or wounded.
  • On August 16, 2020 (or a few days earlier), ISIS operatives captured a man accused of sorcery about 20 km north of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. The “sorcerer” was executed.

Over the past week, there has been a significant increase in the military activity of ISIS’s Yemen Province against the Houthi rebels in the area of Qifah in the Al-Bayda Province (about 100 km southeast of Sana’a). Most of the attacks took the form of activating IEDs and exchanging fire with the Houthi rebels. In addition, ISIS operatives reportedly curbed attacks by the Houthi rebels, who suffered many losses.

  • On August 16, 2020, ISIS operatives activated an IED against a vehicle of the Houthi rebels. The vehicle was damaged.
  • On August 15, 2020, ISIS operatives activated an IED and fired various weapons at the Houthi rebels. Several Houthi rebels were killed or wounded.
  • On August 15, 2020, ISIS operatives activated two IEDs against a vehicle and a gathering of Houthi rebels. Several Houthi rebels were killed or wounded.
  • On August 14, 2020, ISIS operatives halted an attack by the Houthi rebels. Several Houthi rebels were killed or wounded.
  • On August 12, 2020, ISIS operatives halted an attack by the Houthi rebels. A total of 25 Houthi rebels were killed. In addition, weapons and ammunition were seized.
  • On August 12, 2020, ISIS operatives exchanged fire with the Houthi rebels. Three Houthi rebels were killed.
  • On August 11, 2020, ISIS operatives raided two Houthi rebel positions and exchanged fire with them. One Houthi rebel was killed.

[1] This network also claimed responsibility for detonating a car bomb driven by a suicide bomber against one of the vehicles of the Russian forces during a joint patrol with the Turks on the M-4 highway (July 14, 2020). Several Russian soldiers were slightly wounded (Enab Baladi, July 14, 15, 2020).
[2] According to claims of responsibility posted on Telegram.

[3] This was the second senior Russian officer killed during the Russian intervention in Syria. On September 24, 2017, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that Lieut.-Gen. Valery Asapov had been killed in the fighting in Deir ez-Zor by a mortar shell fired by ISIS near Deir ez-Zor. He was there as part of consultant teams assisting Syrian commanders in the campaign to liberate the Deir ez-Zor region from ISIS’s control (Sputnik, September 24, 2017).

[4] According to claims of responsibility posted on Telegram.

[5] The Camp Speicher Massacre: On June 12, 2014, ISIS operatives killed at least 1,566 Iraqi Air Force cadets in an attack on Camp Speicher, near Tikrit. At the time of the attack, there were between 4,000 and 11,000 cadets at the base. ISIS operatives separated the Shiite cadets from the Sunni cadets and massacred the former (Wikipedia).

[6] According to claims of responsibility posted on Telegram.

[7] According to claims of responsibility posted on Telegram.