The West

Contemporary Arab-Muslim anti-Semitism, its Significance and Implications (Updated to March 2008)

The study examines contemporary anti-Semitism in the Arab-Muslim world, its roots, its characteristics and the strategic dangers inherent in it for the Jewish people in general and the State of Israel in particular.

Britain remains a major source of publishing and distribution of Hamas incitement.

Despite increasing public awareness of the threat posed by radical Islam, the British authorities do not stop the distribution of hateful propaganda against Israel and the West and publications glorifying suicide terrorism.

The Army of Islam, a radical Islamic Palestinian terrorist group in the Gaza Strip, claimed responsibility for the abduction of British journalist Alan Johnston.

The Army of Islam, a radical Islamic Palestinian terrorist group in the Gaza Strip, claimed responsibility for the abduction of British journalist Alan Johnston. In exchange for his release, they demand the release of global jihad operatives, particularly Sheikh Abu Qatada (a Jordanian of Palestinian descent, held prisoner in Britain)

The hate industry. At Jerusalem Day, initiated by Iran and celebrated in the Arab-Muslim world and in London, calls were heard for the elimination of Israel.

World Jerusalem Day is celebrated every year by Iran, the terrorist organizations influenced by the Shi’ite communities in the Arab-Muslim world and even by Sunni Muslims in the Palestinian Authority and Turkey on the last Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. In 1979 the Ayatollah Khomeini, leader of the Iranian Islamic revolution, announced

Ismail Haniyeh Portrait of the Hamas candidate for Palestinian prime minister

On February 21, 2006, Abu Mazen, the Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman, instructed Ismail Haniyeh, who led the Hamas faction to a sweeping victory in the Palestinian Legislative Council elections, to form, for the first time in the PA’s history, a Hamas-led government. The following is a portrait of Ismail Haniyeh, probably the PA’s next Prime

Filastin al-Muslimah, a Hamas monthly distributed from the UK, continues to incite to terrorism, mainly suicide bombing terrorism

Filastin al-Muslimah, a Hamas monthly distributed from the UK, continues to incite to terrorism, mainly suicide bombing terrorism. At the same time, it disseminates messages denying Israel’s existence and expressing sympathy for global jihad elements.