The Palestinian Islamic Jihad opens military training camps for adolescents
On June 12, 2023, the recruiting unit of the Jerusalem Brigades, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad's (PIJ) military-terrorist wing, opened training camps for adolescents in the Gaza Strip, calling them "the camps of Operation Free Men's Revenge" [the name the Palestinians gave Operation Shield and Arrow]. The camps were held at Jerusalem Brigades military facilities. According to the camp organizers, their objective was to give them the tools that would enable them to join the Jerusalem Brigades as operatives. Hamas and the PIJ regard the summer camps as very important. They are organized by their military-terrorist wings every year . The pictures which follow are of this year's PIJ training camps and document their military nature, whose objective is to train the youths for induction into the Jerusalem Brigades' units as soon as possible to fill the ranks which were depleted in Operation Shield and Arrow (May 2023).