The Palestinian Authority (PA)

A Fatah-Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist squad infiltrated Israel near the Kissufim Crossing to attack an IDF force.

A Fatah-Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist squad infiltrated Israel near the Kissufim Crossing to attack an IDF force. The terrorists, who used a jeep camouflaged as a TV vehicle, may have planned to abduct an IDF soldier, if the opportunity arose.

Moussa Abu Marzouq, Deputy Chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau, admits that the Hamas government supports terrorism and confirms that the Israeli security fence in the West Bank makes suicide bombing attacks more difficult

Abu Marzouq admitted that “[carrying out] such attacks is made difficult by the security fence and the gates surrounding West Bank residents”. He stressed that the (Hamas) movement was powerless to extend any significant assistance to the West Bank, but that the actual happenings on the ground (the existence of the security fence and the

Inculcating kindergarten children with radical Islamic ideology and the culture of anti-Israel terrorism

On May 31, 2007, Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV satellite channel broadcast the end of the year party held for the 29th class of kindergartens belonging to the Al-Mujamma’ al-Islami Islamic society, a part of Hamas’ social infrastructure (da’wah) in the Gaza Strip. The children, dressed in camouflage suits and wearing green headbands inscribed “There is no

Fatah-Tanzim and Hamas operatives detained in counterterrorist activity in Ramallah and Hebron

Fatah-Tanzim and Hamas terrorist-operatives were detained in Ramallah and Hebron in recent Israeli security force counterterrorist activities. The detainees had been involved in planning and implementing terrorist attacks, some of them deadly, such as suicide bombing attacks, an abduction and in planting explosive charges.

News of the Israeli-Palestinian Confrontation May 16-31, 2007

Events during the second half of May focused on a rocket attack initiated by Hamas, aimed at Sderot and the settlements of the western Negev. Since May 15 approximately 230 hits were identified in Israeli territory, an amount unprecedented since the beginning of the Israeli-Palestinian confrontation. During the past few days the rocket fire diminished

The rocket attacks on Sderot and the western Negev settlements, although fewer, continue

The rocket attacks on Sderot and the western Negev settlements, although fewer, continue; the Hamas-Fatah ceasefire is maintained; the IDF continues intensive counterterrorist activities in the Gaza Strip, widening their scope to Judea and Samaria.