The Palestinian Authority (PA)

Western pro-Palestinian activist who participated in the fighting aboard the Mavi Marmara, claimed in an interview in Haaretz that it was clear that the resistance aboard the ship would not be passive and that if Israelis boarded the ship the confrontatio

Kenneth O’Keefe is a former Marine and an American who renounced his citizenship. He is currently an Irish citizen and lives in Britain. He participated in the fighting aboard the Mavi Marmara and has been widely interviewed concerning it. In an interview with the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz, he spoke at length about the events

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (September 22-27, 2010)

This week the moratorium on construction in the settlements in Judea and Samaria ended. Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu called on Mahmoud Abbas to continue the direct talks to reach a historic peace agreement within a year. Mahmoud Abbas said that Israel had to choose “between peace and the settlements,” and that if the moratorium

Conspicuous among the passengers and organizations aboard the Mavi Marmara were Turkish and Arab Islamic extremists led by IHH. They were joined by extremist European left activists and volunteers who answered the call to help the Palestinians in the Gaza

This objective of this report is to examine the 561 passengers aboard the Mavi Marmara, their identity and the ideology, nature and goals of the organizations behind them, based on the large amount of evidence accumulated since the flotilla. Even if our information is not complete, it clearly provides a picture of their most prominent

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (September 15-21, 2010)

This past week nine mortar shells were fired into Israeli territory, eight on one day. Some of them contained phosphorus. An aid convoy organized by Viva Palestina left for the Gaza Strip. It is currently in France and from expects go to Italy, Turkey, Greece and Syria. From the Syrian port of Latakia it expects

Preparations made by IHH for confrontation with the IDF and the violence exercised by that organization’s operatives as photographed and documented in a book by Şefik Dinç, a Turkish journalist who took part in the Mavi Marmara flotilla

Several books about the flotilla incident have been recently published in Turkey. One of them was written by Şefik Dinç, a reporter for the popular Turkish newspaper Habertürk, who was on board the Mavi Marmara during the last flotilla.

Viva Palestina, an organization headed by George Galloway, announced that a large, mostly overland aid convoy would leave London for the Gaza Strip via Europe on September 18.

Viva Palestina, an organization headed by George Galloway, announced that a large, mostly overland aid convoy would leave London for the Gaza Strip via Europe on September 18. The convoy’s spokesman is Zaher Birawi, a Hamas activist involved in intensive anti-Israel activity in Britain.