The Palestinian Authority (PA)

Osama Hamdan, the Hamas representative in Lebanon, told Iranian television that suicide bombing attacks against Israel were justified, especially attacks in buses.

In an interview with the Iranian Arabic TV channel Al-Kawthar, Osama Hamdan, the Hamas representative in Lebanon, expressed determined support for suicide bombing attacks carried out against Israel. He rejected the right of the State of Israel to exist and stated that Hamas’ final goal was “to wipe that entity off the face of the

News of the Israeli-Palestinian Confrontation August 1-15, 2007

The long-term quiet in the Old City of Jerusalem was broken by a shooting attack during which an Israeli Arab snatched a security guard’s gun. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Chairman Abu Mazen continued their scheduled meetings.

The guidelines of Salam Fayyad’s government stress the government’s commitment to the option of peace as a necessity that arises from political circumstances

The guidelines of Salam Fayyad’s government stress the government’s commitment to the option of peace as a necessity that arises from political circumstances and from the Palestinians’ international commitments. The terrorist organizations attacked those guidelines since they make no mention of the “resistance” (i.e., the path of violence and terrorism)

News of the Israeli-Palestinian Confrontation July 16-31, 2007

Rocket fire from the Gaza Strip at the western Negev settlements continues; the leading organization responsible was the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. The split within the Palestinian Authority continues to widen into two territorial and ideological entities: one under the full control of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and the other dominated by Fatah in Judea

The hate industry: Hamas uses the Internet to disseminate anti-Semitic cartoons to Russian speaking target audiences.

The hate industry: Hamas uses the Internet to disseminate anti-Semitic cartoons to Russian speaking target audiences. The prominent theme of the cartoons is that Israel and the Jews are bloodthirsty monsters engaged in a holocaust of the Palestinian people.

Iran and Hamastan: From Iran’s perspective, the establishment of a Hamas-dominated entity in the Gaza Strip presents both opportunitiesand risks, in general tipping the scales in Iran’s favor.

Iran and Hamastan: From Iran’s perspective, the establishment of a Hamas-dominated entity in the Gaza Strip presents both opportunitiesand risks, in general tipping the scales in Iran’s favor. Iran publicly recognized the legitimacy of Ismail Haniya’s government and is expected to continue providing Hamas with economic and military aid.