The Palestinian Authority (PA)

News of the Israeli-Palestinian Confrontation May 1-15 (updated May 16, 10 a.m.), 2007

Events focused on the heavy volley of Hamas rocket fire which hit Sderot and the surrounding area on May 15. The attack was clearly an attempt to draw attention away from the internal Palestinian confrontations, the worsening anarchy in the Gaza Strip and the helplessness of the Palestinian national unity government, and to turn it

The Army of Islam, a radical Islamic Palestinian terrorist group in the Gaza Strip, claimed responsibility for the abduction of British journalist Alan Johnston.

The Army of Islam, a radical Islamic Palestinian terrorist group in the Gaza Strip, claimed responsibility for the abduction of British journalist Alan Johnston. In exchange for his release, they demand the release of global jihad operatives, particularly Sheikh Abu Qatada (a Jordanian of Palestinian descent, held prisoner in Britain)

“Felesteen”, a new Hamas-associated daily newspaper

“Felesteen”, a new Hamas-associated daily newspaper, was launched in Gaza City. A new weapon in Hamas’s battle for hearts and minds, the newspaper is meant to compete with the three Palestinian Authority dailies controlled or influenced by Fatah and Abu Mazen, and increase Hamas’s influence among the Palestinian public.

News of the Israeli-Palestinian Confrontation April 16-30, 2007

The focus of these last two weeks’ events was a massive rocket and mortar shelling by Hamas on Israel’s Independence Day, the first such attack since the signing of the ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip The Chairman of the Palestinian Authority and the Finance Minister completed series of trips to Western and Arab countries

On Israel’s Independence Day, the IDF thwarted a terrorist attack (possibly an abduction attempt) by Hamas against a military target in the southern Gaza Strip, under the cover of massive mortar and rocket fire.

In the morning of April 24, Israel’s Independence Day, Hamas operatives launched a large-scale mortar attack in the southern part of the security road surrounding the Gaza Strip. The IDF identified a total of some 25-30 mortar shells fired on IDF forces in the southern Gaza Strip

A Hamas spokesman in an interview granted to an Iranian TV channel: Abu Mazen does not have full authority to engage in negotiations with Israel

Ayman Muhammad Saleh Taha, a Hamas spokesman in the Gaza Strip, noted in an interview granted to an Iranian TV station that Abu Mazen does not have full authority to engage in negotiations with Israel and that Hamas rejects any agreement reached in such negotiations.