The Palestinian Authority (PA)

News of the Israeli-Palestinian Confrontation February 19-26, 2008

This past week Hamas initiated a series of popular protests accompanied by a media campaign to make international public opinion aware of the Gazans’ plight. The highlight was supposed to a human chain of tens of thousands of Gaza Strip residents which would stretch along the Israel-Gaza border from Beit Hanoun in the north to

YMCA library building in Gaza City blown up: another incident in a series of attacks on Western and Christian targets in the Gaza Strip by groups associated with the global jihad and radical Islam.

YMCA library building in Gaza City blown up: another incident in a series of attacks on Western and Christian targets in the Gaza Strip by groups associated with the global jihad and radical Islam. The Hamas movement, which controls the Gaza Strip, does not put an end to the phenomenon.

News of the Israeli-Palestinian Confrontation February 12-19, 2008

Rocket and mortar shell fire targeting western Negev towns and villages continued this past week. In Judea and Samaria there was an increase in stabbings, shootings, rock throwing and Molotov cocktails. On February 12 Imad Moughnieh, mastermind Hezbollah terrorist operative, was killed in Damascus by a bomb planted in his car. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah

News of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict February 5-12, 2008

The week ended with a five-day escalation of rocket fire from the Gaza Strip. More than 60 hits were identified in Israel territory, most of them in Sderot. Tension increased between Hamas and Egypt, even after the border fence was resealed. The Egyptians regard the recent events as a threat to national security and an

Recently the second stage of the July 2007 amnesty plan for wanted terrorists ended.

The stage concluded successfully, with most of the more than 200 wanted terrorists having kept to its terms. The Palestinian security services’ contribution to the plan’s success was limited.

Renewed escalation of Hamas rocket fire at western Negev towns and villages (Summary of events, February 5-7)

Two weeks after the last escalation in the fighting between Hamas and Israel, a new one began. Hamas carried out a suicide bombing attack in Dimona using a squad of terrorist operatives from Hebron and stepped up the rocket fire at Ashqelon, Sderot and the western Negev towns and villages .