The Palestinian Authority (PA)

An increase in attacks on Christian and institutions identified with the West in the Gaza Strip.

Hamas, which controls the radical Islamic entity in the Strip, pays lip-service to condemning the attacks but does not take effective steps to stop them.

News of the Israeli-Palestinian Confrontation May 20-27, 2008

This week events focused on the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s attempted mass-killing suicide attack at the Erez Crossing, using a truck filled with explosives. Khaled Mashal and a delegation of high-level members of Hamas’s political bureau are currently on a visit to Iran, prompted by the indirect Israeli-Syrian negotiations and the Egyptian initiative for a lull

An attempted mass-killing attack was prevented when a truck carrying explosives blew up near the Erez Crossing

During the early morning hours of May 22, a truck which reached the merchandise zone at the Erez Crossing in the northern Gaza Strip blew up. Damage was done to various structures but there were no casualties.

News of the Israeli-Palestinian Confrontation May 13-20, 2008

Egypt is currently conducting intensive activity concerning its initiative for a lull in the fighting in the Gaza Strip. On the ground, the Palestinian terrorist organizations continue firing a large number of rockets at western Negev population centers. Especially notable was the direct Grad rocket hit on the Hutzot Mall in Ashqelon.

The Israeli security forces detained a Fatah terrorist operative from the Gaza Strip who underwent advanced military training in Iran.

The Israeli security forces detained a Fatah terrorist operative from the Gaza Strip who underwent advanced military training in Iran. He was involved in firing rockets into Israeli territory and even expressed willingness to act as a suicide bomber.

A Grad rocket fired from the Gaza Strip hit a crowded shopping mall in Ashqelon, injuring 100 people, seven of them critically.

Recently rocket fire has increased, in all probability prompted by Hamas’s desire to force Israel into accepting the lull in the fighting on Hamas terms.