Violent Fatah-Hamas confrontations lead to the flight of 180 Fatah operatives to Israel. The operatives were transferred to the Palestinian Authority. Read more...
Hezbollah was accused of seeking to establish a radical Islamic country of “resistance” (terrorism) in Lebanon, ruled by Iran and exposed to harsh retaliatory measures from Israel. Read more...
This past week the lull arrangement was maintained. The terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip refrained from firing at the western Negev towns and villages, and there was a steady from of merchandise into the Gaza Strip. Normal daily life in the Gaza Strip was interrupted by a series of explosions killing and wounding both Read more...
The lull in the fighting became effective on June 19, 2008, at 06:00. The core elements of the lull arrangement are the cessation of terrorism from the Gaza Strip, the cessation of IDF’s counter-activities in the Gaza Strip, and the opening of the crossings between the Gaza Strip and Israel. The ceasefire along the Israeli-Gaza Read more...
The lull arrangement is preserving the quiet in the western Negev, exploited by Hamas to continue its military buildup. A terrorist from southeast Jerusalem went on a rampage in Jerusalem, again using a construction vehicle for an intended mass-casualty attack, the second this month. Palestinians in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip joined the festivities Read more...