The Palestinian Authority (PA)

Mapping Organizations and Groups in London Participating the International Campaign to Delegitimize Israel

A study entitled “Mapping the organizational sources of the global delegitimization campaign against Israel in the UK” was carried out by Ehud Rosen and posted on the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs website.

The Turkish IHH, which directed the flotilla led by the Mavi Marmara, continues at the forefront of an anti-Israeli hate and incitement campaign, adopting the maximalist Palestinian demands, calling for the annihilation of the “Zionist entity” and exploit

The Turkish IHH, which played a key role in the last flotilla, continues at the forefront of an anti-Israeli hate and incitement campaign waged in Turkey and elsewhere. IHH spokesmen make extensive use of myth of the Mavi Marmara’s “heroism” and have adopted the maximalist Palestinian demands, including the return of the Palestinians “to Jaffa,

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (December 21-28, 2010)

This past week five mortar shell hits and one rocket hit were identified in Israeli territory. The IDF responded by attacking terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian Authority continued its diplomatic attack to achieve international recognition for a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders. Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas said that September 2011,

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (December 15-21, 2010)

The western Negev continues to heat up. This past week 15 mortar shells and a rocket hit the western Negev The Palestinian Authority’s diplomatic attack for the recognition of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders continues.

The Asian convoy’s activists reached Iran, where they were officially welcomed by Ahmadinejad and others.

The Asian convoy’s activists reached Iran, where they were officially welcomed by Ahmadinejad and others. The visit was exploited for a display of hatred against Israel and the West, and praise for Iran. Some Majlis members are expected to join the convoy. Apparently the Iranian regime supports it in other ways.

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (December 8-14, 2010)

This past week clashes continued in the western Negev. Two rocket and six mortar shell hits hit Israeli territory. American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced that both Israel and the Palestinians wanted the Americans to continue their efforts.

The Palestinian Authority (PA)

The Palestinian Authority is a semi-autonomous entity which controls most of the Palestinian population in Judea and Samaria. The Palestinian Authority was established in 1994 by virtue of agreements signed as part of the Oslo process between Israel and the PLO. Formally, the Palestinian Authority also controls the Gaza Strip, but in reality it lost control of the Gaza Strip in June 2007 when Hamas violently took control. Since Yasser Arafat’s death, Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) has headed the Palestinian Authority.

The Palestinian Authority’s status under Yasser Arafat was severely damaged by the Palestinian terrorist campaign (the Al-Aqsa, or Second Intifada, 2000 until 2005). Israel asserted that it failed to function since it did not fight against terrorism and even played an active role in organizing and funding terrorist attacks against Israelis. Israel ended cooperation with it and most Palestinian Authority activities came to a standstill.

After the end of the Second Intifada, Arafat’s death and his succession by Abu Mazen, Israel changed its policy towards the Palestinian Authority and the relations between them improved. Today, the Palestinian Authority controls area A in Judea and Samaria and enjoys partial cooperation with Israel, mainly in terms of security and administration. In the territories under its control, the Palestinian Authority operates through its security services, in coordination with Israel, to maintain internal order and prevent terrorist attacks. At the same time, the Palestinian Authority supports “popular resistance” (popular terrorism), providing political and even practical backing to acts of violence taking place as part of this kind of terrorism.

Many countries around the world give the Palestinian Authority some sort of recognition as a political entity, although most of them do not recognize it as a sovereign state. Some of them formalized their diplomatic relations with the Palestinian Authority and promoted their representatives to the status of ambassadors. On November 29, 2012, the UN General Assembly passed Resolution 67/19 by a large majority. The resolution granted the Palestinian Authority a status of an observer state, which is not a full member.