The Israeli Palestinian Conflict

News of the Israeli-Palestinian Confrontation (December 1-15, 2005)

During the first half of December Palestinian terrorism escalated. The main event was the suicide bombing attack in Netanya carried out by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), the terrorist organization which, sponsored by Iran and Syria, has sought more than any other to sabotage the lull. There was also a sharp increase in the launching

Hezbollah in Lebanon continues sending Fatah/Tanzim operatives in the West Bank on terrorist missions by means of a link in the Gaza Strip which transmits funds and instructions.

On October 16, 2005, Israeli security forces detained Majdi Kamal ‘Abd al-Jabbar ‘Amer, from the village of Qalil, near Nablus. During interrogation he stated that he took orders from Hezbollah in Lebanon through a kind of front-line headquarters in the Gaza Strip, which liaised between Hezbollah handlers in Lebanon and terrorist-operatives in the West Bank

The Palestinian-Israel Conflict — Update October 1-16, 2005

The most jarring events were the two terrorist shooting attacks at the Gush Etzion and Eli junctions, which left three Israelis dead and four wounded.

Five years of violent confrontation between Israel and the Palestinians

September 29, 2005 marked five years since the outbreak of the current violent confrontation with the Palestinians. Throughout the course of the confrontation, 26,159 terrorist attacks have been perpetrated against Israeli targets, leaving 1,060 Israelis dead and 6,089 wounded.

Albums and school notebooks imbued with messages of admiration for Palestinian martyrs (shahids), portraying them as role models to be emulated

   Abstract Children and teenagers, who are often used as cannon fodder by the Palestinian terrorist organizations, are brought up in an environment instilling in them deep-rooted hatred and indoctrinating them with the “armed struggle consensus” against Israel. Part of this consensus is the portrayal of martyrs (shahids), including suicide bombers who perpetrated acts of

Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian Authority fully recognize the threats posed to themselves by Hamas’ and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s civilian infrastructure that supports terrorism. However, they avoid taking decisive, on-going action to curb the phenomenon

General overview Seized documents supported by information acquired throughout the course of the violent confrontation prove that Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian Authority fully recognize the threats posed to themselves by Hamas’ and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s civilian infrastructure and financial system (the da’wa) and are fully aware of the support that infrastructure provides to