The Israeli Palestinian Conflict

The use of mosques for military purposes by Palestinian terrorist organizations: a historical perspective

The following is an article submitted to the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center by a researcher from Israel’s Bar-Ilan University, titled “Clinging to the Altar” (March 14, 2009). The article looks at military uses made by Palestinian terrorists of Temple Mount mosques throughout the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It was written by Dotan Goren, a PhD student

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict March 9-17, 2009

This past week’s events focused on the intensive contacts in Cairo through Egyptian mediation between the Israeli negotiating team and the Hamas delegation over the deal to release abducted Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. During the week there was a decrease in rocket and mortar shell fire from the Gaza Strip, a trend noticeable since the

Two Israeli policemen killed in a terrorist shooting attack in the central Jordan Valley

At about 20:00 hours on March 15 two Israeli policemen were shot and killed in a terrorist attack on the Jordan Valley road near the community of Masua.

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict March 3-9, 2009

Events this week focused on the front-loader terrorist attack in Jerusalem, the fourth during the past year. On March 7 Palestinian Authority prime minister Salam Fayyad announced he and his government were resigning.

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict February 4 – March 3, 2009

This past week there was a significant increase in the amount of rocket fire targeting western Negev populated areas, a continuation of the gradual increase since the end of Operation Cast Lead.Even as rocket fire increased, a well-attended international conference was held in Sharm el-Sheikh to collect donations for rebuilding the Gaza Strip.However, in our

The use of mosques for military and political purposes by Hamas and other terrorist organizations and Islamic groups:

According to international laws governing of armed conflict, mosques used for military purposes lose the special protection afforded houses of worship and may become legitimate targets for attack.