The Global Jihad

Spotlight on Global Jihad (June 15-21, 2017)

On the ground, the severe pressure on ISIS is mounting: In Mosul, the Iraqi army has entered the Old City,. In Al-Raqqah, the SDF forces have taken over several other neighborhoods in the east and west of the city. Along the Syrian-Iraqi border and in eastern Syria, the competition for control continues between the local

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (June 14 –20, 2017)

This past week Palestinian terrorist events focused on a simultaneous combined terrorist attack carried out at two locations in east Jerusalem (the Nablus Gate and the nearby Cave of Zedekiah). A Border Policewoman was killed. Hamas and the PFLP both reported that operatives affiliated with their movements had carried out the attack. ISIS issued a

Spotlight on Iran* (June 4 – 18, 2017)

Senior Iranian officials expressed concern after several Arab states (led by Saudi Arabia) suspended relations with Qatar. Senior Iranian officials exploited ISIS’s twin terrorist attacks on the Iranian parliament building and the shrine of the Islamic Revolution founder’s grave to justify its military involvement in Iraq and Syria, and accused Saudi Arabia of responsibility for

Spotlight on Global Jihad (June 8-14, 2017)

The main event of the week was a combined attack carried out by ISIS in Tehran against the Majles Building (the Iranian Parliament) and the Khomeini Mausoleum compound. The combined ISIS terrorist attack in Tehran is the first of its kind. ISIS is under severe pressure on the ground. Along the Syria-Iraq border, the competition

Spotlight on Global Jihad (June 2-7, 2017)

The main event of the week was a combined vehicular and stabbing attack on London Bridge, for which ISIS claimed responsibility. On the ground, pressure on ISIS is increasing: Syria: on June 6, 2017, SDF forces began an attack on the city of Al-Raqqah, with Coalition air support. It is worth noting the increasing “competition”

Spotlight on Iran* (May 21 – June 4, 2017)

Senior Iranian officials responded to remarks made by Donald Trump during his visit to Saudi Arabia by rejecting his claims about Iranian support for terrorism. Iran and Russia continue coordinating the military campaign in Syria. The Russian ambassador to Tehran told that Russia was satisfied with Iranian-Russian cooperation in Syria. He added that Russia was