Marketing Terrorism

A festive ceremony was held in Jenin to award a plaque from the Cairo-based Arab Lawyers Union to the family of suicide bomber Hinadi Jaradat.

It was another example of the glorifying of suicide bombers and turning them into role models in Palestinian and Arab society.

Terrorism and the Internet: the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s Internet Network*

The PIJ makes extensive use of the Internet in the battle for hearts and minds it wages against Israel. In addition, the PIJ uses the website to disseminate its ideology and reinforce its position in the internal Palestinian arena. While the PIJ has a smaller Internet presence than Hamas, it is making an effort to

Profile of The Army of Islam, a Salafist organization affiliated with the global jihad operating in the Gaza Strip.

It was mentioned by the Egyptian media as involved in the terrorist attack in Egyptian Rafah which killed 16 Egyptian soldiers.

Hamas and the other terrorist organizations summer camps in the Gaza Strip

This year Hamas and the other terrorist organizations operating in the Gaza Strip again exploited summer camps to integrate camping activities with political Islamic brainwashing and paramilitary training.

Hamas and UN agencies (UNDP and UNESCO) participated in two inaugurations in the Gaza Strip

Hamas and UN agencies (UNDP and UNESCO) participated in two inaugurations in the Gaza Strip: a school named for senior terrorist operative Adnan al-Ghoul (involved in deadly terrorist attacks in Israel) and a space sciences chair at the Islamic University in Gaza City, a Hamas stronghold.

In Britain There Are a Number of Organizations Affiliated with Iran Which Deal with Exporting the Islamic Revolution.

In Britain There Are a Number of Organizations Affiliated with Iran Which Deal with Exporting the Islamic Revolution. They Spread Shi’ite Islam, Glorify the Islamic Revolution’s Ideology, Disseminate Hatred for Israel and the United States and Promote Iran’s Political Agenda

Marketing Terrorism

Terrorist organizations around the world have successfully exploited the media revolution of the past decade. They use state-of-the-art communications technologies to market terrorism to large target audiences around the world, disseminate their threats, promote their activities and recruit sympathizers and supporters. By marketing terrorism, they try to shape public opinion and influence the global political and media agenda.

One of the tools used extensively for marketing terrorism is the Internet. The Internet is an ideal means for marketing terrorism: it is decentralized, it cannot be controlled or restricted, it is not censored, and all those who wish to do so have access to it. From the perspective of terrorist organizations, their special structure makes communication via the Internet even more important and useful. The loose and fluid network of squads, units and sub-groups, which is characteristic of modern terrorist organizations, makes the Internet an ideal and essential tool for marketing terrorism and for communication between and within terrorist groups.

The use of the Internet for marketing terrorism, especially social networks, enables organizations to market terrorism and its messages without censorship restrictions, using the freedom of expression law, bypassing geographical barriers and evading the difficulties posed by various governments. Marketing terrorism through the Internet makes it possible to achieve several goals, including: to provide an explanation and justification for terrorist acts; to collect and transmit information; to empower the organization’s capabilities and shape its image; to recruit and train operatives and more.

Global jihad organizations, Hezbollah, and Hamas are salient examples of terrorist organizations that have had the wisdom to take advantage of the media revolution for terrorism marketing purposes. These organizations make extensive use of the media for terrorism marketing purposes in addition to terrorist activity on the ground.