Nasrallah announces escalation and calls for pressure on Israel
On November 11, 2023, Hezbollah secretary general Hassan Nasrallah gave a speech entitled "Life on the way to Jerusalem” for Martyr’s Day, marked by Hezbollah every year.He related to the war in the Gaza Strip and Hezbollah’s activities, stating that recently Hezbollah had escalated its attacks on Israel by firing Katyushas rockets, launching Burkan rockets (equipped with a warhead of between half a ton and a ton) and a drone attack. He claimed he was following the “equation” he set out in his previous speech, according to which escalation in Lebanon or the Gaza Strip would lead to escalation from Hezbollah. He also noted the Arab-Iranian "support front" working against Israel. It was Nasrallah's second speech since the outbreak of the war. His first speech was preceded by a build-up of expectations and was broadcast by many media and in front of a large audience, and was extensively rehashed. This speech did not inspire much interest, started about half an hour late, was broadcast only on al-Manar TV and did not prompt reactions.