Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 16-22, 2021)

This week, there was a slight decrease in the scope of ISIS’s activity compared to last week. Most of ISIS’s activity this week focused on Iraq. Afghanistan: ISIS continued its activity, targeting mainly Taliban members and Shiite residents. Syria: This week, there was a decrease in ISIS's activity. Iraq: This week, the epicenter of activity was in the Diyala Province. The Sinai Peninsula: Two ISIS commanders were killed in a joint operation by the Egyptian army and the Sinai Tribal Union in the Al-Ajraa region south of Rafah. The battle for hearts and minds: The editorial in this week's issue of ISIS’s Al-Naba’ weekly was devoted to the survival of the Islamic State, four years after the member countries of the Global Coalition to defeat ISIS announced that it had been eliminated.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 8-14, 2021)

Afghanistan: ISIS continued its activity in Afghanistan this week. The activity targeted mainly Taliban forces and the Shiite population. Syria: The downtrend in ISIS’s activity continued. Most of the attacks this week targeted the Kurdish SDF forces in the Deir ez-Zor-Al-Mayadeen region. Seven Syrian soldiers and militiamen were killed in an attack against a post in the Al-Masrab Desert, northwest of Deir ez-Zor. Iraq: ISIS concentrated its activity against the Iraqi security forces, mainly in the Kirkuk and Diyala provinces. The battle for hearts and minds: The lead article in this week's issue of Al-Naba’ weekly was devoted to ISIS operatives’ revenge on infidels and those who deviate from the path of Islam. By way of example, the article describes ISIS’s activity against the Yazidis in Syria and the Shiites in Iraq. The author even quotes passages from the Quran which, in his opinion, legitimize this behavior on ISIS’s part.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 2-8, 2021)

This week there was an increase in the volume of ISIS’s activity around the world. ISIS carried out noteworthy attacks in Afghanistan, Iraq, the Sinai Peninsula and Nigeria. Afghanistan: ISIS continued its attacks, mainly against the Taliban forces. Syria: ISIS carried out noteworthy attacks in the desert region against militias and forces supporting the Syrian army. Iraq: ISIS concentrated on attacks against the Kurdish Peshmerga forces. The Sinai Peninsula: ISIS operatives carried out a number of attacks against the Egyptian army and the forces supporting it. The battle for hearts and minds: The lead article in Al-Naba’ weekly was devoted to ISIS’s interpretation of the recent events in Sudan.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (November 25 – December 1, 2021)

Afghanistan: Attacks against the Taliban forces continued, although there was a slight decrease in the scope of ISIS’s activity this week. Syria: In Syria as well, ISIS’s limited activity continued. Iraq: The main incident was a car bomb blast in Mosul’s Al-Zohour neighborhood. According to ISIS, several police and intelligence personnel were killed or wounded, and three cars were damaged. The Sinai Peninsula: Two officers were reportedly killed and several soldiers wounded in two attacks carried out by ISIS operatives against Egyptian army forces. The battle for hearts and minds: The lead article in this week's issue of ISIS’s Al-Naba’ weekly was devoted to inter-Arab talks aimed at normalizing relations between Arab countries and the Syrian regime.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (October 21-27, 2021)

Afghanistan: ISIS operatives continue to carry out attacks against Taliban forces and Shiite civilians. Syria: The downtrend in ISIS’s activity continues. Russian Air Force planes carried out airstrikes against ISIS targets in the desert region. In Iraq, ISIS’s activity was also limited. The Sinai Peninsula: Three fighters from the Tarabin tribe, which is part of the tribal union supporting the Egyptian army against ISIS, were killed in the explosion of a mine apparently planted by ISIS operatives. Africa: ISIS continued to attack military forces and Christian civilians, mainly in Nigeria, Mozambique and the Congo. The battle for hearts and minds: with the approach of Christmas and New Year’s Day, ISIS-affiliated accounts on TikTok have begun posting content encouraging ISIS operatives and supporters to carry out terrorist attacks in Western countries.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (November 11-17, 2021)

Afghanistan: An IED exploded at a mosque in the town of Traili in Nangarhar Province. At least 15 people were wounded, and at least three of them died. Syria: This week there was an increase in the volume of ISIS’s activity in Syria. Africa: This week there was an increase in the volume of ISIS’s activity in Africa. Iraq: There has been a decrease in ISIS’s activity this week. Britain: A man was killed in an explosion in a taxi in the city of Liverpool.