Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 20-26, 2018)

The most important event of the week was the US announcement that it intended to pull out its military personnel from Syria. An ITIC analysis of ISIS’s situation in Syria, Iraq, and the various provinces abroad shows that the organization has not been defeated, even though it was weakened following the collapse of the Islamic Caliphate. After the Caliphate collapsed, ISIS once again changed its methods and adapted itself to the changing realities.

The impact of the withdrawal of the American troops from Syria on the campaign against ISIS (Initial Assessment)

On December 19, 2018, four years after the American campaign against ISIS began, President Trump announced that ISIS had been defeated and America had won. Therefore, Trump and the American administration announced that the United States would withdraw its troops from Syria over a period of several months.

ISIS and ISIS Supporters’ Campaign Threatens Christmas Terrorist Attacks

This past week there was an increase in ISIS and ISIS supporters' propaganda material (notices and videos) threatening to attack Western countries and their leaders (and also Russian President Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu). The threats were issued via Telegram and ISIS-affiliated websites. In ITIC assessment the campaign was organized for the pre-Christmas and Christmas season.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (November 8-14, 2018)

In the Idlib area, there was an increase in the intensity of the incidents between the Syrian army and the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham and other jihadi organizations (dozens of fatalities on both sides). Around the world, terrorist attacks inspired by ISIS or carried out by its operatives continue. In Australia, a stabbing attack was carried out in the city of Melbourne by a member of a Somali immigrant family (one dead passerby and two wounded).

Spotlight on Global Jihad (August 16-22, 2018)

The Syrian army’s offensive against the ISIS enclave in the As-Suwayda area continues. In the Idlib area, the Syrian army and the rebel organizations, the most prominent of which is the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham, are preparing for the impending campaign. In Afghanistan, fighting continues between ISIS and the Taliban. At the same time, ISIS carried out three deadly suicide bombing attacks in Kabul.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (July 26 – August 1, 2018)

On July 31, 2018, the Syrian army almost completed its takeover of the Yarmouk Basin from ISIS. At the same time, the Syrian Army completed its takeover of the area of Quneitra. Syrian soldiers entered the old city of Quneitra and raised the Syrian flag (a “victory picture”). In order to ease the pressure exerted on it in the Yarmouk Basin, ISIS carried out a combined attack against the Druze civilian population in the city of As-Suwayda and several villages in its vicinity.


ISIS is a relatively new Salafist-jihadi Islamic terrorist organization. ISIS is part of a radical Islamist movement that was established around a decade ago as a branch of Al-Qaeda in Iraq. During the course of the fighting against the United States, ISIS established itself in the Sunni areas of western Iraq. During the civil war in Syria, ISIS expanded to Syrian territory as well. In June 2014, ISIS recorded impressive achievements, culminating in the takeover of the city of Mosul, Iraq, the takeover of Al-Raqqah in Syria, and the announcement of the establishment of the Caliphate State (the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria).

ISIS has branches (provinces) in the Sinai Peninsula, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, West Africa and elsewhere. These branches are inspired by ISIS. ISIS carries out terrorist attacks against the forces fighting against it, as well as terrorist attacks outside Syria and Iraq. In addition to fighting against its many enemies in Iraq and Syria, ISIS carries out terrorist attacks abroad, either directly by its operatives, or by instigating its supporters to carry out terrorist attacks in the countries where they live (“ISIS-inspired attacks”). ISIS has carried out several noteworthy attacks in cities in Western Europe, Turkey, the Sinai Peninsula, and Russia. In September 2014, the United States announced the establishment of a coalition for the war against ISIS. The US-led Coalition forces assist the Iraqi army and local forces in Syria through air support, sending experts, and providing weapons and training. In the wake of the war against ISIS, the organization has begun to lose its bases in Syria and Iraq, including the large cities of Mosul and Al-Raqqah.

ISIS places considerable emphasis on propaganda and has established extensive and professional media outlets that use Western tools and images to disseminate its messages. ISIS’s messages are disseminated around the world, trying to offer new meaning to isolated, alienated young Muslims.