
Spotlight on Iran – “The Islamic republic is looking for a monkey to fly the new fighter plane”: web reactions to newly unveiled scientific achievements

The announcement released by the Iranian Space Agency on the launch of Iran’s first monkey into space has drawn considerable interest from the media and social networks these past several days. In addition to expressions of pride in the achievement, there was also criticism of the fact that such enormous financial resources were invested in

Spotlight on Iran – Unusual criticism over execution of two young men accused of armed robbery

The public execution of two young men accused of armed robbery has drawn unusual criticism from the Iranian media and social networks in recent days.

Spotlight on Iran -“The poisoned chalice discourse”

On January 19 the official website of Ali-Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, chairman of the Expediency Discernment Council, posted the contents of a speech given by Rafsanjani at a gathering of Revolutionary Guards commanders in 1988.

Spotlight on Iran – Conference in support of Khuzestani Arabs convenes in Cairo during Foreign Minister Salehi’s visit to Egypt, provoking anger from Iran

A conference convened in Cairo to support the Arab minority in Khuzestan, a region in the southwest of Iran, is drawing criticism and anger from media and social networks in Iran. The conference, held in Cairo on January 10, was attended by representatives from the separatist movement for the liberation of Khuzestan, Muslim clerics, as

Spotlight on Iran – Majles and government increasingly at odds over implementation of subsidy reform’s second phase

The differences of opinion between the government and the Majles over the implementation of the second phase of the subsidy reform have reached new heights in recent days in the wake of statements made by top government officials according to which the government is soon going to launch the next phase of the reform despite

Iranian support for the Palestinian terrorist organizations

Iran supports the military buildup of Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip and seeks to rebuild their military capabilities after Operation Pillar of Defense, especially their rocket-launching networks. Initial version.