
The Internet and terrorism: following the ITIC report on Hamas’s AqsaTube, it was removed by its French ISP from the net.

As a result, the site issued an announcement claiming it had been victimized by “Zionist-American pressure,” and stating it was currently making the necessary arrangements to return.

Terrorism and anti-Semitism: Hamas spokesman accuses the Jews of America’s financial crisis.

In the spirit of classic anti-Semitism, Jews are represented as behind every crisis anywhere in the world. The anti-Semitic incitement is part of Hamas’s methodical propaganda using myths from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

The Internet and terrorism: Hamas recently launched a new website called AqsaTube, an addition to its extensive Internet presence.

Hamas makes intensive use of its website network to wage the battle for the hearts and minds of its various target audiences in the Palestinian Authority and worldwide.

Hamas security forces exerted massive military power to confront the Dugmush clan and operatives of the Army of Islam, a network affiliated with Al-Qaeda.

Hamas security forces exerted massive military power to confront the Dugmush clan and operatives of the Army of Islam, a network affiliated with Al-Qaeda.

As part of the Gaza Strip military buildup, women are trained for combat and for suicide bombing attacks.

Hamas and the PIJ allowed media coverage of female combatants during the lull in the fighting. Such public messages are designed to deter Israel from entering the Gaza Strip in the future.

Summer camps in the Gaza Strip run by Hamas and other terrorist organizations inculcate youngsters with radical Islamic ideology and the culture of terrorism.

Every year Hamas and other terrorist networks organize summer camps in the for Palestinians youngsters from the age of kindergarten to university. The camps indoctrinate them with radical Islamic ideology and the organizations’ culture of terrorism (“the resistance”). It is part of a continuing process, which begins in kindergarten and ends with university students, to