
On the eve of the summit meeting in Washington to relaunch the direct Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, a shooting attack was carried out targeting an Israeli vehicle southeast of Hebron.

Four Israeli civilians were killed. Hamas’ military wing claimed responsibility; the Palestinian Authority condemned the attack.

An anti-Israel coalition, some of whose members organized the Mavi Marmara flotilla, were encouraged by its results.

It is currently promoting a new series of projects to embarrass and isolate Israel. They include an upgraded flotilla and a plane to the Gaza Strip.

Hamas is supported by the Arab Organization for Human Rights branch in London against the Palestinian Authority.

It is another example of how Hamas exploits Britain for political, propaganda and legal activities. Most of the activities are aimed against Israel, but some also against the Palestinian Authority and Egypt.

Examination of the weapons and equipment found on the Mavi Marmara indicates that preparations had been made in advance for an active confrontation with IDF soldiers

Examination of the weapons and equipment found on the Mavi Marmara indicates that preparations had been made in advance for an active confrontation with IDF soldiers, contrary to the claims made by IHH about “passive resistance” only. IHH possessed many offensive weapons, including clubs, bars, axes, and one or two firearms.

A number of satellite companies (including Western companies) continue providing communication services for Hezbollah and Hamas’ television and radio, even though restrictions have been imposed by Europe and the United States.

A number of satellite companies (including Western companies) continue providing communication services for Hezbollah and Hamas’ television and radio, even though restrictions have been imposed by Europe and the United States. Supported by foreign companies, Hezbollah and Hamas are able to extend their range around the world, including Muslim communities.

Hamas operatives were responsible for the two rocket attacks on Eilat and Aqaba.

The Egyptian media strongly attacked Hamas and Iran because of the rocket fire, calling Hamas an “Iranian agent” and demanding it be punished.