
Indoctrination for the coming school year: the TV show “Brilliant Children,” broadcast by Hamas’ Al-Aqsa TV, featured a child whose special field was jihad (holy war).

Indoctrination for the coming school year: the TV show “Brilliant Children,” broadcast by Hamas’ Al-Aqsa TV, featured a child whose special field was jihad (holy war). Such shows are a manifestation of Hamas’ effort to indoctrinate young people with its radical Islamic ideology and culture of anti-Israeli terrorism.

A fierce confrontation is being waged by Hamas and Fatah for control of the Palestinian media and for news coverage from the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria.

A fierce confrontation is being waged by Hamas and Fatah for control of the Palestinian media and for news coverage from the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria. It is part of the overall struggle between Hamas and Fatah for legitimacy.

Since Hamas took over the Gaza Strip, it has intensified its activities to impose an Islamic social code.

Hamas is careful not to represent it as a step toward establishing a radical Islamic state. The process is just beginning but indicates an increase in the Islamization of the Gaza Strip.

Osama Hamdan, the Hamas representative in Lebanon, told Iranian television that suicide bombing attacks against Israel were justified, especially attacks in buses.

In an interview with the Iranian Arabic TV channel Al-Kawthar, Osama Hamdan, the Hamas representative in Lebanon, expressed determined support for suicide bombing attacks carried out against Israel. He rejected the right of the State of Israel to exist and stated that Hamas’ final goal was “to wipe that entity off the face of the

Britain remains a major source of publishing and distribution of Hamas incitement.

Despite increasing public awareness of the threat posed by radical Islam, the British authorities do not stop the distribution of hateful propaganda against Israel and the West and publications glorifying suicide terrorism.

The guidelines of Salam Fayyad’s government stress the government’s commitment to the option of peace as a necessity that arises from political circumstances

The guidelines of Salam Fayyad’s government stress the government’s commitment to the option of peace as a necessity that arises from political circumstances and from the Palestinians’ international commitments. The terrorist organizations attacked those guidelines since they make no mention of the “resistance” (i.e., the path of violence and terrorism)