
Britain remains a major source of publishing and distribution of Hamas incitement.

Despite increasing public awareness of the threat posed by radical Islam, the British authorities do not stop the distribution of hateful propaganda against Israel and the West and publications glorifying suicide terrorism.

The guidelines of Salam Fayyad’s government stress the government’s commitment to the option of peace as a necessity that arises from political circumstances

The guidelines of Salam Fayyad’s government stress the government’s commitment to the option of peace as a necessity that arises from political circumstances and from the Palestinians’ international commitments. The terrorist organizations attacked those guidelines since they make no mention of the “resistance” (i.e., the path of violence and terrorism)

The Internet as a battleground used by the terrorist organizations

Hezbollah and Hamas are prominent examples of Islamic terrorist organizations which learned to exploit the communications revolution of the last decade. They make extensive use of the media, especially television and the Internet, in the battle for hearts and minds, waged parallel to the fighting on the ground. They use the media to disseminate their

Iran and Hamastan: From Iran’s perspective, the establishment of a Hamas-dominated entity in the Gaza Strip presents both opportunitiesand risks, in general tipping the scales in Iran’s favor.

Iran and Hamastan: From Iran’s perspective, the establishment of a Hamas-dominated entity in the Gaza Strip presents both opportunitiesand risks, in general tipping the scales in Iran’s favor. Iran publicly recognized the legitimacy of Ismail Haniya’s government and is expected to continue providing Hamas with economic and military aid.

In a recent tape recording, Osama bin Laden’s deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri promised Hamas support if it did not deviate from the path of radical Islam and jihad. He also promised financial and military support from Al-Qaeda.

In a recent tape recording, Osama bin Laden’s deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri promised Hamas support if it did not deviate from the path of radical Islam and jihad. He also promised financial and military support from Al-Qaeda. Hamas dismissed the offer for fear of further complications with the Arab-Muslim world.

The meaning of the term “Islamic emirate”, used by Abu Mazen and official Palestinian and Egyptian media to refer to the political entity formed in the Gaza Strip following the Hamas takeover

The Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip (June 2007) created a radical Islamic political entity with characteristics not unlike those of a sovereign state. It is home to about 1.4 million Palestinians living in poverty and without any real economic infrastructure.