
Fatah suppressed in the Gaza Strip:

Violent Fatah-Hamas confrontations lead to the flight of 180 Fatah operatives to Israel. The operatives were transferred to the Palestinian Authority.

One month into the lull in the fighting: an interim report (as at July 23)

The lull in the fighting became effective on June 19, 2008, at 06:00. The core elements of the lull arrangement are the cessation of terrorism from the Gaza Strip, the cessation of IDF’s counter-activities in the Gaza Strip, and the opening of the crossings between the Gaza Strip and Israel. The ceasefire along the Israeli-Gaza

The war on financing terrorism:

Defense Minister Ehud Barak signed an order outlawing 36 global “Union of Good” Islamic funds which raise money for Hamas institutions in the Palestinian Authority-administered territories. The money supports Hamas in building a political alternative to the PA and maintain a terrorism-supporting system.

An Israeli security force operation detained a Hamas terrorist squad in Nablus which was planning mass-casualty attacks against Israel.

The squad was involved in a suicide bombing attack scheduled for Yom Kippur in Tel Aviv, September 2007.

Implementing the lull arrangement (Updated to June 29, 4 p.m.)

Despite the lull arrangement, sporadic rocket and mortar shell fire has continued, carried out by rogue terrorist organizations using the excuse of Israeli violations. Most conspicuous among those networks are the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and groups within Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade in the Gaza Strip. The objective of the rocket and mortar shell fire is

Implementing the lull arrangement (Updated to June 26, 4 p.m.)

During the first week of the lull there was a significant decrease in the amount of rocket and mortar fire from the Gaza Strip targeting western Negev population centers, but the terrorist organizations abided by the arrangement only partially. The lull was violated several time. Notable was the barrage of three rockets fired at Sderot