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News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (July 18 –24, 2018)

Since the ceasefire achieved at the end of the fourth round of escalation the situation on the ground has been relatively calm. One manifestation of the calm has been a significant drop in the scope of arson terrorism, which led to the partial reopening of the Kerem Shalom. However, tension along the border, caused by Hamas' policy

Fourth round of escalation between Israel and Hamas, which ended with Hamas’ announcement agreeing to end the fighting

On Friday, July 20, 2018, during a "return march" at the Israeli-southern Gaza border, snipers shot at at an IDF patrol, killing a soldier. The incident, which was designated by the IDF as the most serious since the end of Operation Protective Edge, led to an exchange of fire in which three Hamas terrorist operatives were killed.

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (July 11 – 17, 2018)

On July 14, 2018, there was a third round of escalation between the IDF and Hamas along the Gaza Strip border, worse than the previous rounds. In the wake of increasing Hamas violence during the "return marches," Israeli Air Force aircraft carried out three waves of aerial attacks on Hamas military targets. Hamas (and other terrorist organizations) launched about 200 rockets and mortar shells at Israel. In view of the worsening situation, Israel intensified its responses to arson terrorism. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed the IDF to ramp up its response to the squads launching incendiary kites and balloons. At this stage Israel's increased responses have apparently not deterred Hamas.

A third round of escalation, more severe than the previous rounds, with about 200 rockets and mortar shells fired at Israel. The shelling is a continuation of Hamas’ policy of controlled violence creating escalation.

On July 13 and 14, 2018 there was another round of escalation near the Gaza Strip. It began after the IDF carried out extensive aerial attacks in response to the wounding of an IDF officer by a hand grenade thrown during the "return march" on Friday, July 13, 2018. During the escalation Israeli Air Force aircraft carried out three waves of aerial attacks on Hamas military targets, beginning on the night of July 14, 2018, and continuing the following day.

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict ((July 4 – 10, 2018)

The July 6, 2018, Friday "return march" was attended by only a few thousand Gazans. One of them was killed when a hand grenade exploded, In the wake of continuing arson terrorism, Israel decided to close the Kerem Shalom crossing on July 9, 2018. in Judea and Samaria two shooting attacks were carried out this past week.

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (June 27 – July 3, 2018)

The "return march" of June 29, 2018, was attended by a few thousand Palestinians. This past week there were four attempts to penetrate into Israeli territory in the northern and southern Gaza Strip, part of the violence accompanying the "marches." The Israeli Knesset confirmed a proposal for a law that would freeze the funds the Palestinian Authority (PA) pays to terrorists and their families from the tax receipts collected for and transferred to the PA by Israel.