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News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (August 31 – September 6, 2011)

This past week sporadic rocket fire attacking the western Negev continued. On the political and propaganda level, the Palestinian Authority continues making preparations for its move in the United Nations, which is expected to be accompanied by “popular activity” on the ground. This past week the Palmer Report was issued, revealing the findings of the

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (August 23-30, 2011)

Terrorist events this week focused on the attack in south Tel Aviv carried out by a Palestinian terrorist from Nablus. The terrorist attack included stabbing people and using a taxi to ram into a crowd. The current escalation in the south which began on August 18 ended on August 26 when the Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Attacks Renewed in Israel’s South – Supplement No. 2

The round of escalation between Israel and the terrorist organizations operating in the Gaza Strip which began with the terrorist attack north of Eilat on August 18 was rekindled after a temporary lull in the fighting on August 23.

Ceasefire in Israel’s South – Update

During the daylight hours of August 23 the lull in the fighting announced by Hamas on the night of August 21 was honored, including by the Popular Resistance Committees. During the previous night it was violated by sporadic rocket and mortar shell fire targeting the western Negev. The last rocket was fired around midnight, and

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (August 17-22, 2011)

This past week events focused on the series of coordinated terrorist attacks, whose targets included civilian vehicles, carried out by the Popular Resistance Committees north of Eilat, Israel’s southernmost city. Eight Israelis were killed and about 20 were wounded. Israel responded with attacks on a PRC command site, killing five PRC operatives, including Kamal al-Nairab,

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (August 10-16, 2011)

Sporadic rocket fire from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory continues. This past week a 122mm Grad rocket hit an open area near the southern Israeli city of Beersheba. l.Riyadh al-Maliki, Palestinian foreign minister, said that Mahmoud Abbas would present the Palestinian appeal to join the United Nations on September 20, 2011.