General Information

The rocket attacks on Sderot and the western Negev settlements, although fewer, continue

The rocket attacks on Sderot and the western Negev settlements, although fewer, continue; the Hamas-Fatah ceasefire is maintained; the IDF continues intensive counterterrorist activities in the Gaza Strip, widening their scope to Judea and Samaria.

The Hamas rocket attack on Sderot and the settlements around the Gaza Strip entered its seventh day as a ceasefire between Hamas and Fatah was maintained.

Rocket attacks on the western Negev settlements continue into their seventh consecutive day. During the past 24 hours 17 rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory, a slight decrease from previous days. One of them hit a restaurant at Kibbutz Nir Am. There were no casualties but property was damaged. On the morning of May

The Hamas rocket attack on Sderot and the settlements around the Gaza Strip continues as the Hamas-Fatah confrontation in the Gaza Strip wanes. (May 17 Bulletin update)

The rocket attack on Sderot and the settlements around the Gaza Strip, initiated by Hamas and joined by other terrorist organizations, entered its sixth day. So far 132 rocket hits have been identified, about half of them in the Sderot region. The number of hits of the past three days has decreased in relation to

Hamas rocket attacks on Sderot and the western Negev continue on the backdrop of the extremely violent confrontations between Hamas and Fatah in the Gaza Strip

Hamas’ rocket attack against Sderot and the western Negev settlements which began on May 15 continues. So far 74 hits have been identified, causing scores of injuries Behind the rocket attack is the significant increase in the violent clashes between Hamas and Fatah, which have caused approximately 50 deaths since May 13. Hamas dominance has

Anti-Israeli Terrorism, 2006: Data, Analysis and Trends

This study examines and analyzes the terrorism directed against Israel, which continued during 2006 as a central factor influencing the agenda of the State of Israel. It examines the activities of the Palestinian terrorist organizations, Hezbollah and the global jihad, and compares their modus operandi with previous years. It also deals with the support given

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Fatah elements in the Gaza Strip dispatched a terrorist who carried out a suicide bombing attack in Eilat

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Fatah elements in the Gaza Strip dispatched a terrorist who carried out a suicide bombing attack in Eilat. He infiltrated through the Israeli-Egyptian border. PIJ spokesmen stated suicide bombing attacks would continue and called upon the other terrorist organizations to aim their weapons at Israel