Financing Terrorism

Society and politics in the Gaza Strip

Society and politics in the Gaza Strip: the da’wah, Hamas’s civilian infrastructure, is an important support of its political control. The da’wah’s extensive activities during the last Muslim holy month of Ramadan demonstrated that it has become Hamas’s instrument for cementing its rule in the Gaza Strip.

The Internet and terrorism: a week after AqsaTube was removed from the Internet, it returned in a similar format and with support from a Russian company.

An Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center examination revealed that on October 22 Hamas’s AqsaTube returned to the Internet a week after it had been removed.

The Internet and terrorism: following the ITIC report on Hamas’s AqsaTube, it was removed by its French ISP from the net.

As a result, the site issued an announcement claiming it had been victimized by “Zionist-American pressure,” and stating it was currently making the necessary arrangements to return.

The Internet and terrorism: Hamas recently launched a new website called AqsaTube, an addition to its extensive Internet presence.

Hamas makes intensive use of its website network to wage the battle for the hearts and minds of its various target audiences in the Palestinian Authority and worldwide.

During the past year Osama Bin Laden, Al-Qaeda leader, waged an intensive media campaign after a long silence.

Its primary objective was to inspire global jihad operatives to increase terrorist activities worldwide, to create internal pressure in the United States, Europe and Arab- Muslim regimes, and to promote “the liberation of Palestine” through jihad.

Communications and terrorism

Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV channel has started broadcasting via an Indonesian satellite, after being taken off a Thai satellite. The Indonesian satellite covers East Asia, China, and Australia. Indonesia is a Muslim country, making it more difficult for the international community to fight the incitement aired by Hezbollah.