Financing Terrorism

The interior minister of the de facto Hamas administration describes the support his office gives the terrorist organizations operating in the Gaza Strip.

His description contradicts the claim the Hamas administration made to the Goldstone Committee, according to which it had no direct or indirect links to the terrorist organizations.

Hamas recently broadcast a children’s TV show which specifically called for the slaughter of the Jews.

Hamas thus continues brainwashing the children of the Gaza Strip with hatred and the use of violence against Israel and the Jewish people, contradicting the moderate image it tries to market to the West.

This year again Iranian-initiated Jerusalem Day was exploited for strong anti-American, anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic incitement.

There were demonstrations in Iran, the Arab-Muslim world and Western Europe. As opposed to previous years, the reformist camp used it for Green protest demonstrations against the regime.

Geopolitically strategic Yemen has become a focus of local Iranian-Saudi Arabian strife.

The Yemeni government accuses Iran of supporting Zaydi-Shi’ite (Houthi) rebels in the northern part of the country with weapons, money and propaganda. Subverting local Shi’ite populations in the Middle East is a frequent Iranian modus operandi.

Hamas’ smile attack for the West: Ken Livingstone interviews Khaled Mashaal, a case study

Khaled Mashaal, head of the Hamas political bureau in Damascus, was recently (September 17, 2009) interviewed by Ken Livingstone for the New Statesman. The interview, laced with vicious anti-Israel propaganda, represented the Palestinians as the victims of Israeli oppression, and aimed at Western readers, it evaded clarification of Hamas’ extremist ideology.

Further proof that Palestinian policemen also serve in the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ military-terrorist wing

Hamas’ internal security apparatus, which includes the police force and the elite rapid intervention unit, serves as Hamas’ main instrument for suppressing its opponents in the Gaza Strip. Many of its operatives serve as policemen but routinely and in emergency situations also in the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ military-terrorist wing.