Financing Terrorism

Exporting the Iranian revolution to Lebanon:

Iran and Hezbollah operate an extensive network of cultural and religious institutions as well as publishing houses. This network is used to inculcate Lebanese society, primarily the Shi’ite community, with Iranian radical Islamic ideology.

The international struggle against Hezbollah’s television broadcasts:

Germany’s Interior Ministry announced a ban on Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV station, joining the US, France, Spain, and other countries where the station is banned. Al-Manar’s broadcasts are still distributed worldwide by the Arab and the Indonesian communications satellites.

Iran and Hamas declare digital war against Israel

Hamas recently participated in a digital communications exhibition in Tehran and was involved in establishing a group calling itself “The Digital Intifada.” Its objective was to develop websites to fight Israel and encourage the criminal activity of hacking Israeli websites.

Al-Quds, Hamas’s second satellite TV channel, went on air on November 11, further expanding that movement’s media empire.

Hamas’s willingness to invest considerable resources in its media, even when faced with financial distress, reflects the significance it places on the battle for hearts and minds.

Society and politics in the Gaza Strip

Society and politics in the Gaza Strip: the da’wah, Hamas’s civilian infrastructure, is an important support of its political control. The da’wah’s extensive activities during the last Muslim holy month of Ramadan demonstrated that it has become Hamas’s instrument for cementing its rule in the Gaza Strip.

The Internet and terrorism: a week after AqsaTube was removed from the Internet, it returned in a similar format and with support from a Russian company.

An Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center examination revealed that on October 22 Hamas’s AqsaTube returned to the Internet a week after it had been removed.

Financing Terrorism

A terrorist organization must have sources of financing to finance and carry out all of its activity and goals. Without financing sources, it will be difficult for the organization to exist and carry out its goals. Without financing, the organization will not be able to handle, support and equip its operatives, and prepare and maintain a reasonable infrastructure for its activity.

Terrorist financing can be divided into two main goals: financing a focused act of terrorism with a clear goal. In this case, the financing activity will be limited in scope, amount and time. The other type of goal is a broader goal of establishing, maintaining, and cultivating the terrorist infrastructure, organizational structure, purchasing, ongoing expenses, payment of salaries and more. In this case, the financing activity is not limited in time, ceiling or financial scope.

Most of the money for terrorism financing comes from terror-sponsoring countries, among which Iran is prominent (and is involved in the financing of terrorism carried out by Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad). Terrorist organizations have additional sources of financing, such as revenues from criminal activity (Hezbollah), the sale of oil products, and the collection of taxes from the population (ISIS). Other organizations finance terrorism with funds obtained from sources such as donations, charities, commercial profits, etc., which were diverted to terrorism financing.

In recent years there has been growing recognition of the importance of thwarting terrorist financing channels as part of the effort to thwart terrorist activity. In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the international struggle against terror financing gained momentum, and it was decided to integrate the international struggle against terrorism into the struggle against terrorism financing and even to streamline it through legislation and counterterrorism activities. However, as the struggle against terrorism financing increases, the methods of terrorism financing become more sophisticated and diverse, making it more difficult to monitor the sources of terrorism financing and to cope with them.