Financing Terrorism

The Internet in the service of terrorist organizations: the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s Internet network and the service providers by which the organization is supported (updated to September 18, 2007).

The PIJ is a relatively small radical Islamic terrorist organization sponsored by Iran and Syria and directed by its headquarters in Damascus. At the present time the PIJ is the most prominent organization in launching rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israel. Since 2005 it has taken dominance from Hamas in carrying out deadly suicide

Indoctrination for the coming school year: the TV show “Brilliant Children,” broadcast by Hamas’ Al-Aqsa TV, featured a child whose special field was jihad (holy war).

Indoctrination for the coming school year: the TV show “Brilliant Children,” broadcast by Hamas’ Al-Aqsa TV, featured a child whose special field was jihad (holy war). Such shows are a manifestation of Hamas’ effort to indoctrinate young people with its radical Islamic ideology and culture of anti-Israeli terrorism.

The Islamic Liberation Party recently held mass rallies in Al-Bireh and other cities in the Palestinian Authority.

The Islamic Liberation Party recently held mass rallies in Al-Bireh and other cities in the Palestinian Authority. It has no military wing, but, its radical Islamic ideology and global deployment make it a source for the potential recruitment for Islamic terrorist organizations in the PA-administered territories and around the world.

The Internet as a battleground used by the terrorist organizations

Hezbollah and Hamas are prominent examples of Islamic terrorist organizations which learned to exploit the communications revolution of the last decade. They make extensive use of the media, especially television and the Internet, in the battle for hearts and minds, waged parallel to the fighting on the ground. They use the media to disseminate their

Hamas announced its intention to launch a Turkish version of its Website in the near future, the site’s eighth language.

Hamas announced its intention to launch a Turkish version of its Website in the near future, the site’s eighth language. It is part of the organization’s efforts to upgrade its Internet network, one of the most important weapons in its battle for hearts and minds.

“Felesteen”, a new Hamas-associated daily newspaper

“Felesteen”, a new Hamas-associated daily newspaper, was launched in Gaza City. A new weapon in Hamas’s battle for hearts and minds, the newspaper is meant to compete with the three Palestinian Authority dailies controlled or influenced by Fatah and Abu Mazen, and increase Hamas’s influence among the Palestinian public.

Financing Terrorism

A terrorist organization must have sources of financing to finance and carry out all of its activity and goals. Without financing sources, it will be difficult for the organization to exist and carry out its goals. Without financing, the organization will not be able to handle, support and equip its operatives, and prepare and maintain a reasonable infrastructure for its activity.

Terrorist financing can be divided into two main goals: financing a focused act of terrorism with a clear goal. In this case, the financing activity will be limited in scope, amount and time. The other type of goal is a broader goal of establishing, maintaining, and cultivating the terrorist infrastructure, organizational structure, purchasing, ongoing expenses, payment of salaries and more. In this case, the financing activity is not limited in time, ceiling or financial scope.

Most of the money for terrorism financing comes from terror-sponsoring countries, among which Iran is prominent (and is involved in the financing of terrorism carried out by Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad). Terrorist organizations have additional sources of financing, such as revenues from criminal activity (Hezbollah), the sale of oil products, and the collection of taxes from the population (ISIS). Other organizations finance terrorism with funds obtained from sources such as donations, charities, commercial profits, etc., which were diverted to terrorism financing.

In recent years there has been growing recognition of the importance of thwarting terrorist financing channels as part of the effort to thwart terrorist activity. In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the international struggle against terror financing gained momentum, and it was decided to integrate the international struggle against terrorism into the struggle against terrorism financing and even to streamline it through legislation and counterterrorism activities. However, as the struggle against terrorism financing increases, the methods of terrorism financing become more sophisticated and diverse, making it more difficult to monitor the sources of terrorism financing and to cope with them.