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      • Terrorism Information
      • The Palestinian Authority

Revealing Maps: The Palestinian Vision as Taught in PA Schools (Dr. Arnon Groiss)

The present research deals with some 115 maps of the country appearing in the latest edition of schoolbooks issued by the Palestinian Authority and used in the PA schools, including UNRWA schools. Its source material included 125 books of grades 1-10 in the subjects of Arabic, English, Social Studies, Islamic Education, Mathematics, Sciences and Technology. The research aimed at checking the way this country – Israel/Palestine – is presented, in view of the ongoing conflict between the two nations that claim to be its owners. The basic hypothesis of this research was that the two parties see this country in its entirety as their homeland, which should be expressed in the maps appearing in their respective schoolbooks Indeed, there were found in the Israeli textbooks maps that present the country as one unit with no internal boundaries under the name "Israel" when those maps were not of political character.

Israel, Jews and the Conflict in Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks (By Dr. Arnon Groiss)

Following are representative items taken from textbooks published by the Palestinian Authority (PA) in 2017-2018 for use in grades 1-12 in all schools throughout the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Israel, Jews and Peace in Schoolbooks and Teachers’ Guides Used in UNRWA Schools in Judea, Samaria,East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip

The schoolbooks issued by the Palestinian Authority are mandatorily used in all schools in all areas of Judea, Samaria, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, including UNRWA schools. The books surveyed here are of the latest edition and are used in the current school year. Teachers' guides were examined as well. They shed special light on the Palestinian Authority indoctrination process which is also applied in UNRWA schools. Following are selected examples, taken from schoolbooks and teachers' guides in use in UNRWA's school system, of de-Legitimization of the State of Israel's existence, demonization of Israel and the Jews, and absence of any advocacy for peace with Israel.

The City of Jerusalem in the Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks

This research discusses the image of the city of Jerusalem as revealed in the Palestinian Authority's schoolbooks currently used the PA schools in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. Seventy textbooks for grades 1-10 were examined for the purpose of this study. These are the most updated versions, mostly published in 2020 (see the List of Sources at the end of this study). Jerusalem's image, as reflected in the books is strongly one-sided, in sharp contrast to its image in the Israeli schoolbooks, which emphasize its holiness to the three monotheistic religions and treat its Arab inhabitants as the city's integral.

Palestinian Authority textbooks and teachers’ guides dealing with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict (based on books published in 2019)

The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC) published during the years 2017-2019, in cooperation with the Center for Near East Policy Research, several studies dealing with the presentation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Palestinian Authority's schoolbooks and teachers' guides. These studies were based on close to 400 schoolbooks and over 100 teachers' guides published by the Palestinian Authority (PA) between the years 2013-2018.

Israel, Jews and Peace in Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks and Teachers’ Guides

This document is aimed at summarizing the contents of the Palestinian Authority's schoolbooks and teachers' guides, as far as the conflict with Israel is concerned, from 2013 up to this day. It is based on the examination of close to 400 schoolbooks published between 2013-2020 and over a hundred of teachers' guides published mostly in 2018 (and see below a list of the Center's publications that deal with the findings of the examined Palestinian schoolbooks).