News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (November 5 – 11, 2014)

The scene of the attack in Tel Aviv (Facebook page of the Israel Police Force, November 10, 2014).

The scene of the attack in Tel Aviv (Facebook page of the Israel Police Force, November 10, 2014).

The scene of the attack at the bus stop in the village of Alon Shvut (Magen David Adom spokesman, November 10, 2014).

The scene of the attack at the bus stop in the village of Alon Shvut (Magen David Adom spokesman, November 10, 2014).

The scene of the stabbing attack at the railroad station in south Tel Aviv (Photo by Yifat Segal for, November 10, 2014).

The scene of the stabbing attack at the railroad station in south Tel Aviv (Photo by Yifat Segal for, November 10, 2014).

PIJ-affiliated terrorist operative Maher Hamdi al-Hashalmoun (, November 10, 2014).

PIJ-affiliated terrorist operative Maher Hamdi al-Hashalmoun (, November 10, 2014).

The car driven in the vehicular attack that killed a Border Police soldier and a 17 year-old boy, and wounded 12 people (Facebook page of the Israel Police Force, November 5, 2014).

The car driven in the vehicular attack that killed a Border Police soldier and a 17 year-old boy, and wounded 12 people (Facebook page of the Israel Police Force, November 5, 2014).

Riots in Shuafat (Photo by Batia Kayman for, date, 2014).

Riots in Shuafat (Photo by Batia Kayman for, date, 2014).

The bullet holes in the Israeli patrol car (Photo by Ehud Amitoun for, November 7, 2014).

The bullet holes in the Israeli patrol car (Photo by Ehud Amitoun for, November 7, 2014).

Popular Resistance Committees operatives vandalize the security forces  (PALDF, November 8, 2014).

Popular Resistance Committees operatives vandalize the security forces (PALDF, November 8, 2014).

Palestinian youths in the Hamas Popular Army holding M-16 rifles and a Hamas flag at the ceremony marking the end of the training of the first battalion (, November 7, 2014).

Palestinian youths in the Hamas Popular Army holding M-16 rifles and a Hamas flag at the ceremony marking the end of the training of the first battalion (, November 7, 2014).

  •  This past week terrorist events focused on two stabbing attacks carried out on November 10, one in Tel Aviv and the other in Gush Etzion. Two people were killed in the attacks and four were wounded. Previously, on November 5, there was another vehicular attack in Jerusalem (the third in recent months) that killed two.
  • So far during November there has been a sharp rise in the number and deadliness of terrorist attacks carried out by Palestinian terrorist operatives. They were carried out by lone terrorists, some of them belonging to or affiliated with terrorist organizations (Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad).
  • Unrest and violent clashes continue in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. This week Israeli Arabs also rioted following the death of a young man from Kafr Kana, killed during an event of a criminal nature. During the event the young man threatened a policeman with a knife and was shot and killed. The circumstances of the event are being investigated.
  • So far during November, alongside riots in Jerusalem and throughout Judea and Samaria, there has been a sharp rise in the number and deadliness of terrorist attacks. During the past month six people were killed, more than all the deaths caused by Palestinian terrorist attacks of the past two years combined.
  • The attacks are part of the Palestinian strategy called the "popular resistance' (i.e., popular terrorism). They are carried out by lone terrorist operatives, some of whom belong to or are affiliated with terrorist organizations (Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad). The terrorist organizations and Fatah praised the terrorists and encouraged Palestinians to carry out additional attacks. The Palestinian Authority (PA) provides political and propaganda support for the attacks and accuses Israel of responsibility for escalation and for the deterioration of the situation.
  • This past week Israeli Arabs rioted in the Galilee and in central Israel. The rioting occurred following the death of a young Arab man from Kafr Kana (near Nazareth). His death occurred during a criminal event when he threatened police with a knife and was shot and killed. The shooting is currently being investigated.
Two Israelis Killed in Stabbing Attacks
  • On November 10, 2014, there were two stabbing attacks, one in Tel Aviv and the other in Gush Etzion. The attacks claimed the lives of an IDF soldier, First Sergeant Almog Shiloni, and Dalia Lamkus, 25. Four others were wounded.
  • Stabbing attack in Tel Aviv: A Palestinian attacked an IDF soldier near a train stop in south Tel Aviv and attempted to take his weapon. The soldier, First Sergeant Almog Shiloni, 18, was stabbed in his chest and back. He was critically wounded and the hospital's attempts to save him failed. Two other people were wounded. The stabber was caught by police aided by civilians at a distance of about 200 meters from the scene of the crime. He incurred slight wounds and was taken to a hospital for medical treatment. He was Nur al-Din Abu Hashiya, 18, from Nablus, who was staying in Israel illegally. According to pictures posted on the social networks, he was affiliated with Hamas.

Left: Palestinian terrorist Nur al-Din Abu Hashiya participates in a Hamas march in Nablus (PALDF Facebook page, November 10, 2014). Right: Nur al-Din Abu Hashiya at a Hamas rally. The sign reads, "Our people are eager to die as our enemies are eager to live" ( Facebook page, November 10, 2014).
Left: Palestinian terrorist Nur al-Din Abu Hashiya participates in a Hamas march in Nablus (PALDF Facebook page, November 10, 2014). Right: Nur al-Din Abu Hashiya at a Hamas rally. The sign reads, "Our people are eager to die as our enemies are eager to live" ( Facebook page, November 10, 2014).

  • Stabbing attack in Gush Etzion: A car driven by a Palestinian attempted to run over people waiting at the bus stop at the entrance to the village of Alon Shvut (in Gush Etzion) on the afternoon of November 10, 2014. The driver then exited the vehicle and began stabbing people. A security guard stationed nearby shot and killed him. Dalia Lamkus, a resident of Tekoa, was killed and two people were wounded. The terrorist operative was Maher Hamdi al-Hashalmoun, 30, from Hebron, formerly a security prisoner and affiliated with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).
  • Hamas and the PIJ praised the two terrorist attacks, claiming they were a rapid response to the killing of the young man from Kafr Kana. Senior Hamas figure Musheir al-Masri said the recent events were reminiscent of the beginning of the first and second intifadas and were "the first swallows" of the third intifada, which would "be ignited everywhere" (Al-Aqsa TV, November 10, 2014).
Two Israelis Killed in Another Vehicular Attack in Jerusalem
  • On November 5, 2014, another vehicular attack was carried out in Jerusalem. Two people were killed, a Border Police soldier and a 17 year-old boy, and 12 people were injured, some of them seriously. Hamas rushed to claim that the terrorist was a Hamas operative, and called for more such attacks. It was the third vehicular attack in recent months in Jerusalem and the second one targeting passengers waiting for the light railway.
  • On the afternoon of November 5, 2014, a terrorist driving a van on a main street in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of east Jerusalem crossed the light railway tracks. He rammed into people waiting for the train, including three Border Police soldiers, who were seriously injured. From there he sped along the main street ramming into vehicles and passersby. He ran into a car and stopped. He left his vehicle and attacked passersby with an iron bar he took from the car. He was shot and killed by Border Police soldiers deployed in the area.[1]
  • The Palestinian media described the vehicular attack as a "natural" reaction to what they claimed was Israel's "gross violation" of the status quo in Jerusalem. Sultan Abu al-Einein, a member of Fatah's Central Committee and an advisor to Mahmoud Abbas, used his Facebook page to praise Palestinian terrorist operative Ibrahim al-Akari, who carried out the attack. He wrote that "It is a new organization that you are not familiar with...its first attack was carried out by the hero, the shaheed Abd al-Rahman is the organization that carries out vehicular attacks...not the ISIS" [Note: A play on two similar-sounding Arabic words, one meaning "to run over" and the other "ISIS"] (Facebook page of Sultan Abu al-Einein, November 5, 2014).
  • Senior Hamas figure Musheir al-Masri claimed that Israel's blaming Hamas for the vehicular attack in Jerusalem was an honor for the movement. He said the attack was the natural response to "the crimes of the Zionist occupation" against Al-Aqsa mosque and Jerusalem (Al-Arab al-A'an, November 5, 2014). Senior Hamas figure Mahmoud al-Zahar threatened that there would be more vehicular attacks in Jerusalem if the Israeli government did not stop what he called its "violations" against the Al-Aqsa mosque and its "suppression" of the Palestinian people (, November 5, 2014).
Rocket and Mortal Shell Fire into Israel
  • On November 7, 2014, there was an alert in the western Negev following rocket fire from the northern Gaza Strip targeting Israel. The rocket apparently fell inside the Gaza Strip (IDF Radio news, November 7, 2014).

Rocket and Mortal Shell Fire into Israel

Smuggling Attempt from the Sea Foiled
  • On November 9. 2014, an Israeli navy force followed a suspicious fishing boat near the Gaza Strip coast. The boat was well loaded and left the coast and sailed toward Egypt, and then turned north into the open sea. The navy force carried out halting procedures and when they were not responded to the force fired at the boat, foiling the attempted smuggling (IDF Spokesman, November 9, 2014).
Shots Fired at Gathering near the Israeli Border
  • On the night of November 7, 2014, IDF forces fired warning shots at a group of several dozen Palestinians who had gathered near the border in the northern Gaza Strip. Despite the warning fire several Palestinians did not leave the site. The IDF fired, wounding one Palestinian in the leg (IDF Radio news, November 7, 2014).
Violent Events in Jerusalem
  • During the past week there was a wave of violence and riots in the neighborhoods of east Jerusalem, part of what the Palestinians call the "popular resistance" (i.e., popular terrorism). No exceptional events were recorded on the Temple Mount. The clashes were concentrated in the neighborhood of Shuafat and a number of other locations in east Jerusalem, where there were violent confrontations between Palestinians and Israeli security forces.
  • The rioting began after thousands of Palestinians, residents of the Shuafat refugee camp (a hotbed of violence and rioting), participated in the symbolic funeral held for terrorist Ibrahim al-Akari, who ran over and killed two Israelis. The funeral was held immediately after the Friday prayer. When it was over Palestinians burned tires and threw rocks and Molotov cocktails at the military roadblock and at the Israeli security forces stationed there. They held up pictures of the terrorist operative and shouted "Al-Akari, a shaheed hero," "Keep killing soldiers," and "We all want to make out dream come true and die as shaheeds" (, November 7, 2014). Riots were also held in Sur Baher (southeast Jerusalem) where an IED was thrown at Israel security forces. Rocks were also thrown and fireworks were shot (Facebook page of the Israel Police Force, November 7, 2014).
PA and Fatah Statements regarding the Events in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria
  • For the tenth anniversary of the death of Yasser Arafat, the Jerusalem district of Fatah issued a formal notice entitled "A million shaheeds are marching to Jerusalem." According to the notice, the tenth anniversary of the death of Arafat would be a day of uprising against the Israeli security forces and settlers, and would reflect solidarity with those who carried out the recent attacks in Jerusalem.
  • Yasser Abd Rabbo, secretary of the PLO's Executive Committee, claimed that Israel accused the PA of responsibility for the events in Jerusalem to cover up the crimes committed by the Israeli right wing, especially in Jerusalem. He claimed the right wing of the Netanyahu government had caused the situation to deteriorate. He added that Israel was "making a big deal" about the vehicular attack to draw attention away from its attempts to take control of Al-Aqsa mosque. He called on the UN Security Council to pass a resolution against "Israel's crimes in Jerusalem" (Voice of Palestine Radio, November 6, 2014).
  • Alongside its political and media support for violence in Jerusalem, the PA made an attempt to contain it and keep it from spreading so as not to lose control. To that end the PA's security forces deployed in the cities in Judea and Samaria and prevented rioters from reaching friction points and clashing with the IDF. Hamas claimed that the PA's security forces also detained Hamas activists who had organized or participated in rallies in support of Al-Aqsa mosque (, November 8, 2014).
Attacks and Rioting in Judea and Samaria
  • In Judea and Samaria riots were held at the traditional friction points, where rioters claimed solidarity with Al-Aqsa mosque. In many instances Hamas led the rioters, leading to the intervention of the Palestinian security forces. Palestinians continued throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at the Israeli security forces and Israeli vehicles.
  • The most prominent events were the following:
  • November 7, 2014 – Israeli policemen in a patrol car near Kafr Aboud (a village in the Benyamin district) heard gunshots. They stopped the car and found eight bullet holes in the rear of the car. There were no casualties. (, November 7, 2014).
  • November 7, 2014 – Rocks were thrown at a bus at theAl-Fouar junction (near Hebron). There were no casualties and no damage was reported. In Halhul (near Hebron) dozens of Palestinians threw rocks at Border Police soldiers, injuring one (, November 7, 2014).
Security Fence Vandalized
  • On November 8, 2014, masked Palestinians used sledgehammers to break a hole the security fence near the village of Bir Nabalah (north of Jerusalem). They claimed they commemorating the fall of the Berlin Wall (November 9, 1989). According to a notice issued by the Popular Resistance Committees, "It doesn't matter how high the walls are, they will fall. As the Berlin Wall fell, so will the wall of Palestine fall" ( and PALDF, November 8, 2014).
The Crossings
The Rafah Crossing
  • The Rafah crossing is still closed. Palestinian sources reported that so far there was no progress in contacts with Egypt regarding its opening. They claimed that was because of the instability of security in the Sinai Peninsula (, November 8, 2014).
Transferring Goods through the Kerem Shalom and Nitzana Crossings
  • The Coordinator for Government Activities in the Territories announced that it had been decided to facilitate the marketing of produce from the Gaza Strip in Judea and Samaria in order to support the Gazan economy. The produce will exit the Gaza Strip through the Kerem Shalom crossing and be delivered to markets in Judea and Samaria (IDF Spokesman, November 6, 2014).
  • Ibrahim al-Arkajani, chairman of the board of the Bnei Sinai company, said the company had been asked to deliver building materials to the Gaza Strip. The deliveries would begin on November 9, 2014, in coordination with Egypt, Israel and the PA. He said the materials would enter the Gaza Strip through the Nitzana crossing instead of the Rafah crossing, which was closed. He said the materials were delivered to ports in Egypt two months ago and were supposed to enter the Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing, currently an impossible option (, November 6, 2014).
Rebuilding the Gaza Strip
  • Gazans continue to protest because of the delays in rebuilding. Hamas spokesmen blamed the delays on Israel and the PA and warned of an "explosion." During a rally heldby Hamas near the UN offices, Salah al-Bardawil, a Hamas representative in the Palestinian Legislative Council, blamed the Palestinian national consensus government and Israel for the delays (, November 5, 2014).
  • Fathi al-Sheikh Khalil, deputy chairman of the Gaza Strip energy authority, said that fuel had arrived for operating Gaza's power plant. He claimed that on November 11, 2014, the plant would again supply electricity for eight hours a day instead of six (, November 9, 2014).
Fatah-Hamas Tensions Increase in the Gaza Strip
  • On the night of November 7, 2014, a series of 15 bombs exploded, targeting the homes and cars of senior Fatah figures throughout the Gaza Strip. A bomb also targeted the stage erected for the Fatah rally planned to mark the tenth anniversary of Yasser Arafat's death. There were no casualties but extensive property damage was reported. It was also reported that senior Fatah figures received SMS messages and telephone calls, either anonymous or signed by the ISIS, warning them not to hold the rally (, November 8, 2014).
  • Fatah condemned the events and accused Hamas of responsibility. In a formal response, Fatah stated that the explosions targeting the stage and the homes and cars of senior Fatah figures were crimes whose objective was to destroy the foundations of the internal Palestinian reconciliation. Fatah's Central Committee held a press conference where it accused Hamas of responsibility (Palestinian TV, November 7, 2014). The Palestinian national consensus government later announced that the visit to the Gaza Strip by Rami Hamdallah and a number of other government ministers scheduled for November 8, 2014, had been postponed until further notice (, November 7, 2014).
  • Ziyad Abu al-Ein, a member of Fatah's Revolutionary Council, wrote on his Facebook page that according to Fatah activists he had spoken to in the Gaza Strip, operatives of the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military wing, were responsible for the bombings because they had decided the rally would not be held (Facebook page of Ziyad Abu al-Ein, November 8, 2014). Azzam al-Ahmad, a member of Fatah's Central Committee, also accused Hamas of responsibility, claiming that Hamas also knew the names of the perpetrators. He said it was possible that military operatives [i.e., Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades operatives] were involved, especially in light of the fact that they had issued threats and demanded that the rally not be allowed to take place (Al-Arabiya TV, November 9, 2014,, November 7, 2014).
  • Hamas rejected the accusations and condemned the attacks:
  • Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri called for an immediate investigation and for the criminals to be arrested. He said that Rami Hamdallah (the prime minister and minister of the interior) was not absolved of responsibility. That was because the security forces in the Gaza Strip could not fully carry out their duties due to their current status (Al-Jazeera, November 7, 2014).
  • Musa Abu Marzouq, a member of Hamas' political bureau, said people should not jump to conclusions and that what had happened should be condemned.
  • Khalil al-Haya, a member of Hamas' political bureau, criticized Fatah's accusations against Hamas, saying that Hamas had been surprised by events. He called for the exposure of those responsible for the explosions (, November 7, 2014).
  • Hamas formally told Fatah that its security forces could not secure the rally planned for the tenth anniversary of Arafat's death (, November 8, 2014). As a result Fatah decided to cancel it (, November 9, 2014).
Hamas Displays the First Battalion of Its "Popular Army"
  • On November 7, 2014 in the northern Gaza Strip the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military-terrorist wing, displayed the first battalion of what it calls its "popular army." It is called the "battalion of the knights of freedom," and according to Hamas, has 2,500 operatives. Its creation was announced during a ceremony marking the end of the first training course, held in the Jabaliya refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip. The ceremony included a military display, a parade and a march (, PALDF,, Al-Aqsa TV, November 7, 2014).[4]
Decisions from a Meeting of the Palestinian Leadership
  • On November 8, 2014 the Palestinian leadership held an extraordinary meeting in Ramallah to discuss three issues (Palestinian TV, November 8, 2014):
  • Recent developments in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria – The leadership decided to appeal to the UN for a formal resolution regarding the status quo in Jerusalem.
  • Appeal to the UN Security Council – The leadership decided that if the Palestinians could get nine votes, during November 2014 they would present a proposal for a resolution to the UN Security Council. If they could not get the necessary number of votes they would halt the process.
  • The bombs that targeted the homes of senior Fatah figures in the Gaza Strip.
The PA's Political Activity in the International Arena
  • Saeb Erekat, a member of the PLO's Executive Committee, confirmed that the Palestinians would appeal to the UN Security Council. According to Erekat, in the near future a proposal for a resolution would be presented for consultations before eventually lodging the final version for a UN vote. He added that the Palestinians were formulating a proposal for another resolution or a presidential announcement to condemn the so-called "Israeli provocations" regarding Al-Aqsa mosque and to formalize Jerusalem's status as an occupied city (Voice of Palestine Radio, November 9, 2014).
  • The Palestinian leadership instructed the ministry of foreign affairs and the administration for negotiations to prepare documents for joining a number of international institutions and conventions, among them the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague and the Rome Convention (, November 9, 2014).
  • Riyadh al-Maliki, foreign minister of the Palestinian national consensus government, sent a communiqué to the foreign ministers of the European countries which had not yet recognized the "State of Palestine," calling on them to recognize it. He claimed that the Palestinian leadership' still had faith that a solution to the conflict could be negotiated despite Israeli's policies and actions, which violated international and humanitarian law. He also claimed that recognizing the Palestinian state would not damage Israel's legitimacy or lead to changes on the ground, but would send a message to Israel that serious, genuine negotiations had to continue within a designated time frame (, November 9, 2014).
Fatah Incites Continued Violence and Terrorism
  • on November 9, 2014, Fatah's military wing in Jerusalem issued a notice for the tenth anniversary of Arafat's death. Its title was a famous battle cry from Arafat's speeches, "A million shaheeds are marching to Jerusalem." The main points of the notice were the following (Facebook page of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in the Jenin refugee camp, November 9, 2014):
  • The anniversary of the death of Yasser Arafat will be a day of uprising against the IDF forces and the settlers [as a sign of] loyalty to shaheeds Abd al-Rahman al-Shaloudi, Mu'ataz al-Hijazi and Ibrahim al-Akari [all of whom recently carried out vehicular attacks in Jerusalem].
  • The Palestinian people must avoid schism and continue to rise up everywhere.
  • The notice included threats against settlers and commanders [of the Israeli security forces] who harmed the sacred sites, Al-Aqsa mosque and the land of Palestine.

The notice issued by Fatah's military wing calling for a continuation of the violence against Israel and the Israeli security forces (Facebook page of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in the Jenin refugee camp, November 9, 2014)
The notice issued by Fatah's military wing calling for a continuation of the violence against Israel and the Israeli security forces (Facebook page of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in the Jenin refugee camp, November 9, 2014)

  • Militant cartoons and notices were posted on the official Facebook pages of the Palestinian Presidential Guard (directly subordinate to the Mahmoud Abbas' office) and the national security forces:

Left: "Long live Palestine." The rock is a symbol of the violence of the "popular resistance" (Facebook page of the Palestinian national security forces, November 9, 2014). Right: A Palestinian woman sweeps the IDF and the settlers away from the Temple Mount (Facebook page of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in the Jenin refugee camp, November 8, 2014)
Left: "Long live Palestine." The rock is a symbol of the violence of the "popular resistance" (Facebook page of the Palestinian national security forces, November 9, 2014). Right: A Palestinian woman sweeps the IDF and the settlers away from the Temple Mount (Facebook page of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in the Jenin refugee camp, November 8, 2014)

  • The Hamas-affiliated social networks continue posting notices calling for violence and terrorism, especially vehicular attacks.

Left: Ibrahim al-Akari, who carried out a vehicular attack in Jerusalem, is reflected in the rearview mirror. The Arabic at the left reads, "Run over [soldiers and settlers] for the sake of Jerusalem" (PALDF, November 8, 2014). Right: The car as an extension of the rifle. The Arabic reads, "Resist, even in your car" (, November 7, 2014).
Left: Ibrahim al-Akari, who carried out a vehicular attack in Jerusalem, is reflected in the rearview mirror. The Arabic at the left reads, "Run over [soldiers and settlers] for the sake of Jerusalem" (PALDF, November 8, 2014). Right: The car as an extension of the rifle. The Arabic reads, "Resist, even in your car" (, November 7, 2014).

Left: An Israeli soldier, an ultra-Orthodox Jew and a secular Israeli run over by a Palestinian. The Arabic reads, "A Palestinian passed by, this is the fate of trespassers" (PALDF, November 7, 2014). Right: The word "Run [him] over" chases an ultra-Orthodox Jew (, November 9, 2014).
Left: An Israeli soldier, an ultra-Orthodox Jew and a secular Israeli run over by a Palestinian. The Arabic reads, "A Palestinian passed by, this is the fate of trespassers" (PALDF, November 7, 2014). Right: The word "Run [him] over" chases an ultra-Orthodox Jew (, November 9, 2014).

  • Incitement in the universities: On November 10, 2014, the Islamic Bloc in Al-Quds University launched a display about the recent events in Jerusalem. It included the Dome of the Rock, pictures of the terrorist operatives who carried out terrorist attacks in Jerusalem in October and November and a model of a car running over Yehuda Glick and another Israeli civilian victim (Facebook page of the Islamic Bloc of Al-Quds University, November 10, 2014).

The display presented by the Islamic Bloc in Al-Quds University. There are pictures of terrorist operatives Mu'ataz Hijazi, Ibrahim al-Akari and Abd al-Rahman al-Shaloudi. The large picture is of Yehuda Glick (PALDF, November 10, 2014). At the left is a model car running over pictures of Yehuda Glick and another Israeli civilian. Behind the car and to the right is a slingshot on which "The rocks that caused a revolution" is written (Facebook page of the Islamic Bloc of Al-Quds University, November 10, 2014).
The display presented by the Islamic Bloc in Al-Quds University. There are pictures of terrorist operatives Mu'ataz Hijazi, Ibrahim al-Akari and Abd al-Rahman al-Shaloudi. The large picture is of Yehuda Glick (PALDF, November 10, 2014). At the left is a model car running over pictures of Yehuda Glick and another Israeli civilian. Behind the car and to the right is a slingshot on which "The rocks that caused a revolution" is written (Facebook page of the Islamic Bloc of Al-Quds University, November 10, 2014).

Salafist-Jihadi Groups in the Gaza Strip Collect Contributions to Fund the Activities
  • Salafist-jihadi groups in the Gaza Strip recently launched Twitter fundraising campaigns to finance their activities, with the stated goal of purchasing weapons and ammunition, paying jihad fighters' salaries, financing military activity, and otherwise aiding in waging the war against Israel. Two of the campaigns are the following (MEMRI, November 6, 2014):[5]
  • The Nafir Al-Aqsa (Mobilizing for Al-Aqsa) campaign was launched on November 1, 2014. Those behind the campaign do not identify themselves with any group, but the endorsements received clearly show that they are associated with pro- ISIS elements in Gaza. In a series of tweets, the campaign administrators explained the campaign's goals and why the campaign is necessary: to support those fighting for the sake of Jerusalem.
  • In mid-October 2014, a jihadi faction called Al-Ansar Salah Al-Din Brigades – Al-Tawhid Battalions, operating in the Gaza strip within the Popular Resistance Committees, launched a fundraising drive via Twitter to purchase weapons, equipment and supplies for its fighters. It asks Muslims to aid their brother mujahideen who are fighting in the Gaza Strip on their behalf.

Twitter pages for the fundraising campaigns, including a pricelist (Twitter November 6, 2014).
Twitter pages for the fundraising campaigns, including a pricelist (Twitter November 6, 2014).

The Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis Swears Allegiance to the Leader of the ISIS
  • On November 10, 2014, the Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, the Egyptian organization leading the terrorist campaign against the Egyptian regime, issued a formal statement via its Twitter account in which it announced it had sworn allegiance to Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and had joined his Islamic State. The announcement was preceded by notices on jihadi and Egyptian websites, including one affiliated with the ISIS, stating that the Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis had sworn allegiance to the Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of the Islamic State (ISIS).
  • The announcement began with a description of the circumstances of the Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis and the Muslim nation in general, and praise for the establishment of the Caliphate in Syria and Iraq. It then went on to say, "...We announce that we swear allegiance to the Caliph Ibrahim bin Awad bin Ibrahim al-Qurashi al-Husseini [the name and titles of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi], to hear and obey, [in] difficult and easy [circumstances], [things] loved and hated; it is ours to honor and not to argue, unless if we see among us clear heresy, with proof from Allah. We call on Muslims wherever they are to swear allegiance to the Caliph and to support him, acceding to Allah and as implementing the "lost duty" [i.e., the lost duty of the generation)..."
  • The announcement then called on jihad fighters on all fronts to support the Caliph and the Islamic State, saying, "...After a state for Islam and Muslims has arisen, and it is headed by a Caliph and an emir for believers, you do not support them and you do not answer calls to its flag [even] at a time when the entire world attacks it. What is your excuse, oh assembly of jihad fighters? ...Make your decision, gather and support your state, for you are part of it and it is part of you..."
Hassan Nasrallah's Speech
  • For the end of the Shi'ite days of the Ashuraa' Hassan Nasrallah, secretary general of Hezbollah, gave his traditional speech. Among its themes were the following ((Al-Manar, November 4, 2014):
  • Nasrallah's response to remarks from senior Israeli military figures about a Third Lebanon War: Nasrallah claimed that such remarks stemmed from weakness and expressed Israel's concern, fear and loss of hope. He said that in the next war Israel would have to close it airport and the Haifa port because there would be no place in Israel safe from Hezbollah's missiles. He added that the "resistance" [i.e., terrorist organizations] in south Lebanon was prepared and on high alert, and was not worried about a confrontation with Israel.
  • The recent events in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa mosque: According to Nasrallah, the recent events were an attempt to "Judaize Jerusalem and transfer its original residents from the city." He claimed Israel was exploiting the fact that the Islamic world was dealing with its own problems to try to realize its dream. He called [upon Muslims], he said, today more than ever before, to be concerned with Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa mosque, because they were in greater danger than ever and were the responsibility of every Muslim in the world.
The ICC's Ruling
  • Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, issued the following statement (Website of the ICC, November 6, 2014):
  • "Following a thorough legal and factual analysis of the information available, I have concluded that there is a reasonable basis to believe that war crimes under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court...were committed on one of the vessels, the Mavi Marmara, when Israeli Defense Forces intercepted [it]... However...I have concluded that the potential case(s) likely arising from an investigation into this incident would not be of "sufficient gravity" to justify further action by the ICC. The gravity requirement is an explicit legal criteria set by the Rome Statute...In the final analysis, I have...concluded that the legal requirements under the Rome Statute to open an investigation have not been met and I am announcing that the preliminary examination has been closed."[5]

[1] For further information see the date bulletin see the November 6, 2014 bulletin "Another vehicular terrorist attack in Jerusalem, part of the latest wave of Palestinian violence and terrorism in the city."
[2] As of November 11, 2014. The statistics do not include mortar shell fire or rockets which misfired and fell inside the Gaza Strip.
[3] The statistics do not include mortar shell fire.
[4] For further information see the November 9, 2014 bulletin "Hamas has presented the first battalion of the Popular Army, to serve as an auxiliary force for the operatives of Hamas’s military wing in confrontations with Israel."